Happy Holidays, You Bastard
The wife is putting up her Christmas crap, so we put on a Christmas playlist. This was the first song that played. Pretty fitting for us.
When I was a kid every Thanksgiving was the same. We all went to Grandma’s house. My uncles were farmers, so nobody worked. My aunts, uncles, and cousins were all there. We would watch the Macy’s Day Parade all excited to see Santa at the end. Is that still a thing? I haven’t watched it in at least 20 years. Food was always ready at noon. We would eat and watch football for the rest of the day.
That was our tradition. I kind of miss it.
Now my grandparents are gone, and my parents are gone. I have a job that I have to work on Thanksgiving half the time. It’s hit or miss if we doing anything for Thanksgiving these days. We usually have turkey. I think turkey kind of sucks. I think there is a reason we only eat it once a year.
This year I will be at work while my wife makes dinner. We are having her mom and aunt over, so it will just be the four of us. We won’t be eating until I get off work at 6 o’clock. I’m not complaining. While I miss my childhood traditions, I do like the low-key holidays too.
It’s here.
I’m not really into country music. I don’t know anything about it. Today I ran across this video and I rather like it. I was a college freshman in 1994, and this song brought back all kinds of feels.
27 years ago today I saw Veruca Salt for the second time, and it was my first time seeing a band at First Avenue. First Avenue is still my favorite venue. It was also the first time I saw a band member crowd surf. I don’t remember if it was Louise or Nina, but I remember them jumping into the Crowd. Eight Arms to Hold You is such a great album, easily in my top 10 albums of the 90s.
The Idiots Are Taking Over
This 21 year old song from NOFX couldn’t be more relevant. Also, how the hell is this song 21 years old?
I voted a month ago, so I didn’t get a fancy sticker. I did wear my blue work shirt for good luck.
Pizza Night
Friday nights are usually pizza nights during the summer. Now that the weather is cooling, pizza nights are getting numbered. It’s taken a lot of practice, but I think we’ve perfected our homemade pizza. I make the dough from scratch, and the sauce is even made with tomatoes from our garden.
Last night I was banging my head against the wall trying to get a cron job for FreshRSS running. I have no idea what I was doing wrong. I should have just quit right away. I wasted so much time. This morning I tried again and bingo, I got it working right away. Everything always seems to work better after you sleep on it.
Yes I still live in my RSS reader. There are so many good RSS feed readers nowadays. The best ones tend to have a subscription fee. I was a subscriber for many years, but about a year ago I was feeling subscription overload, so I started hosting my own with FreshRSS on my home server.
I hate the UI of all of the self hosted RSS feed readers. Luckily my favorite reader app Reeder works with FreshRSS, so I don’t have to deal with the crappy UI.
Now I’m running a FreshRSS instance on my home server and one on my remote server. I’m trying to decide which is better. I have a feeling the remote server might be more reliable because it’s not running in my house and I won’t be constantly messing with it.
For the Christmas before I turned 16 my Mom gave me a Denver Broncos keychain to use when I get my drivers license. Well, 34 years later and I’m still using it. The Denver Broncos logo as long since warn off, but it’s the only keychain I have ever had or used.