Albums From My Teen Years #1

Last Monday I blogged about my 18 favorite albums from my teen years. I’m going to revisit each album every Monday to help get my mind off of politics, and help be remember better times.

I’m starting with a big one, Nirvana’s Nevermind. I’m listening to it now for the first time in years. It’s so good. This album totally changed my taste in music. Before Nevermind I was listening to a few hair metal bands like Warrant and Poison, and a lot of rap like Run-DMC and Public Enemy. Nirvana was my gateway band to the lesser known bands in the indie and punk scene.

I still remember the first time I heard a Nirvana song. It was my sophomore year of high school. We were having some sort of talent show. I don’t remember exactly what for, but a few of my classmate played air guitar to “Territorial Pissings”. It was amazing, but most people didn’t understand, so they lost. That evening I went and bought Nevermind on cassette. Shortly after that “Smells Like Teen Spirit” blew up on MTV and the rest is history.

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