Cloud Backups

I have data on every cloud storage site you can imagine, but to use any of them to back up ALL my data is just too damn expensive.

I had everything on OneDrive and was paying for an Office 365 account back with it came with unlimited data. Then they quit the unlimited data plan, so I canceled my subscription. Then Amazon offered an unlimited plan option, so I uploaded everything there. After they quit their unlimited data plan I gave up finding an online backup for my data. I’ve been taking hard drives to work for my off site backup. While cheaper, it’s kind of a pain in the ass.

A couple weeks ago SpiderOak opened up an unlimited plan for $150 a year, but signups were limited to a couple weeks. I’ve always been a fan of SpiderOak because of their security. $150 is only $12.50 a month. That’s a pretty good deal for unlimited storage, so I signed up. Hopefully they don’t change their mind on the unlimited storage.

Back when I first uploaded all my data to OneDrive it took me six month. Now with faster internet and more data, it’s probably only going to take me four weeks to get everything up to SpiderOak. Faster internet is so great.

SpiderOak also has a nice iOS app. It’ll be my new Dropbox once my backups are done. It’s just a nice piece of mind knowing all my backups are encrypted and safe online.

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