I’m Back

The other day I ended up down a rabbit hole reading old blogs and tweets on the Wayback Machine. I miss the good ol’ blogging days. Even Twitter was so much better way back then.

So I’m going to try to blogging more. After I brushed off my blog I noticed it got hacked with some spam link injections. I thought it was good with auto updates on, but I guess not. I cleaned house. I removed all the plugins I could. I got a new simple and clean theme. There will be no more auto posts from Twitter or Instagram. My blog will just be me blabbing on. That’s what I miss, so that’s what I’ll do.

Now everything on the internet is so political and everybody is overreacting to everything. Growing up we were taught that it was good to read the news and know what’s going on, but that was before this 24 hour news cycle we got now. Now the news just flows to you. We are all over consuming it. I’m trying to read less of it. It’s ok to not know everything that’s going on. 99% of it probably doesn’t affect you anyway. 

So I’m just going to do some frivolous blogging to get my mind off of the horrible things happening in the world. If you want to too that would be great. I’d love to read what you have to say.

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