• Moving Link Blog

    For quite a while I have had this blog, and a link blog. I am basically addicted to the internet. I like to share cool things I find. I was using Tumblr for my link blog. It would automatically post things that I share on different services. It was so easy that I have been tempted to move my whole blog over there or to Posterous, another nice site. I just don’t feel comfortable switching to someone else’s system though, plus I love WordPress so much. So I found a better way to combine my blog with my link blog. I have moved my link blog to Posterous. Posterous has a nice feature that will post my posts over there onto my blog. If it all works out, my links will get posted to my blog also. So instead of getting a couple posts a week from me, you will be getting a couple a day. Hope you like the changes, and if not I don’t care. It’s MY blog. haha.

  • Disqus Comments

    I have been using Disqus for my comments on my comic blog at lolmace.com (which I really need to start updating again). Disqus has a lot of cool features including video commenting using Seesmic. I have been debating wether or not to switch my blog comments to Disqus. Today I switched them to Disqus. What changed my mind was the ability to export comments, so if I want to quit using Disqus, I can export my comments out of their system. Soon I will be able to import all my past comments into the Disqus system. Now if only people commented on my blog.

  • Twitter Updates off Main Page

    So I was getting a little sick of all the “Twitter Update” posts clogging up my blog. They are still coming in, but they will no longer be on the front page. Thanks to Becky for pointing me in the right direction. It was simple. I just had to put this code into my home.php file:

    You just have to change the number to whatever category you want skipping the main page. Now if you care about my Twitter updates you can check them out over there —->, and if you don’t care you won’t see them.