• Moving Link Blog

    For quite a while I have had this blog, and a link blog. I am basically addicted to the internet. I like to share cool things I find. I was using Tumblr for my link blog. It would automatically post things that I share on different services. It was so easy that I have been tempted to move my whole blog over there or to Posterous, another nice site. I just don’t feel comfortable switching to someone else’s system though, plus I love WordPress so much. So I found a better way to combine my blog with my link blog. I have moved my link blog to Posterous. Posterous has a nice feature that will post my posts over there onto my blog. If it all works out, my links will get posted to my blog also. So instead of getting a couple posts a week from me, you will be getting a couple a day. Hope you like the changes, and if not I don’t care. It’s MY blog. haha.