Picture A Day
So a lot of people are doing the 365 Day Self-Portrait Project. I am going to start something similar, but different. I am going to snap picture everyday for a year, but they aren’t all going to be of me. They are just going to be of random stuff. Some might be good pictures taken with my camera, others might just snapped with my phone, and on busy days it might just be a picture of the wall. Some might be photoshopped, but most probably wont. I will update them when I can. The pictures wont be updated every day, but there will be a different pictures taken everyday, and they will be updated when time permits. I warn you, I am not the best photographer, but hopefully this project will improve that. I actually started the project on Friday the 13th. You can check out the pictures over there—> in the sidebar.
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Cool idea Budgie!