Stream Orb to Xbox 360

I am always looking for ways to get my internet video content onto my TV. Once I get a new TV I am thinking about either building a Mythbox or Media Center PC. I could also go with a Tivo and an Apple TV. I am not sure which would work best. I am very curious on how Cali Lewis’ Mythbox turns out. I am glad I don’t have to make the decision now. I wont be getting a new TV until we move and get into a bigger house.

For the time being I am using the Xbox 360 to view my internet videos on the TV. Yesterday I learned that you can stream content from Orb to the Xbox 360. I have used Orb in the past to access my media from any computer on the internet, but now I can use it to play any video on my Xbox. No more have to convert videos to WMV files.

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