The Ten Commandments Are Not Law
Yesterday there was a letter to the editor in our local paper that really got me fuming. The writer was trying to say all our laws and constitution are based on religion, which is totally false. He was all for posting the Ten Commandments everywhere. I am not offended by the Ten Commandments, and if you want to live by those rules go for it. I just don’t agree with the Ten Commandments being on city property. They have nothing to do with our laws, and encourage a certain religion. Actually enforcing most of the commandments would be illegal and unconstitutional. Only three of the commandments are actually laws. I was going to get more into it, but it isn’t worth my time. Dave Slusher, who is a much smarter guy than me, and has a great podcast, recently blogged about the 10 Commandments. It’s a good read and explains everything much better than I can.