I won’t Buy From iTunes Yet
I have never bought music off of iTunes. The main reason being the crippling DRM. Now that they are starting to sell some music without DRM I actually looked at the store today. I thought I would look for a few of the CDs that I plan on buying this week. I looked for the new Ozma, Groovie Ghoulies, and Dinosaur Jr. CDs and they didn’t have any of them.
Ok, I just did another search and they do have them. Nevermind that thing about iTunes not having my music. I guess they do. They are crippled though, so I will be buying the CDs. Someday all of iTunes music might be fit to buy, but not yet. Once all their music is DRM free and they drop the price of their DRM free music to $9.99 or less for an album I am all over it. Until then, I am still buying cds.