Redeye Removal in Photoshop
I spent most of the day yesterday working on the wedding pictures I took Friday night. I had a lot of cropping and red eye removal to do. I am no Photoshop expert, but I can usually get what I need done eventually with time. Redeye removal can be tricky. There are a bunch of ways to remove redeye, many of them are very complex. The redeye removal tool built into photoshop doesn’t work very well. It works well in extreme redeye cases, but many time there is just a slight redeye.
Here is my three step process that works every time:
1. Zoom in on the eyes.
2. Use the magic wand tool to select the red areas of the eye. You may have to adjusted the tolerance to make sure you are only selecting the red areas.
3. Create a new adjustment layer. Go to Layer/New Adjustment/Channel Mixer. That will bring up your Channel Mixer. The Output Channel should be set on red. Then it is just a matter up adjusting the Red, Green, and Blue sliders until you get your desired look. For my pictures I just had to lower the Red and add some Green. It my not look realistic when you are zoomed in, but if you zoom back out you will see the magic has been done.