Crappy Weekend
What a crappy weekend. My loser Brother-in-Law that is living with us had some friends over. They got here Thursday night and didn’t leave until Sunday night. They slept downstairs and hogged my TV and XBox all weekend. The wife and I are getting pretty fed up with her Brother. Our deal was he could live here rent free as long as he was going to school. I wanted to charge him rent. Not because we needed it, but because it would teach some responsibility. I got overruled on that and he is living here rent free. I don’t think he will be here much longer though. I couldn’t tell you the last time he went to class. He stays up all night and sleeps all day. He quit is job where he was actually getting hours, and got a new job where he works about ten hours a week. Then he complains he has no money. I am hoping my wife kicks him out soon since it is obvious that he is no longer going to class. He has even admitted to not registering for classes for next semester yet which starts in January. I so can’t wait until he is out of here.
Oh yeah, we also got 7-9 inches of snow here, but that isn’t really enough to talk about.
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Dude, that sucks. You’ve got more patience than I.
If we got that much snow, everything would be shut down here for days! LOL. Oh how I wish it would snow…
I feel your pain. My sister lived with us for awhile, got her own place and had to move out of her place for lack of funds. I referred her to the local homeless shelter at that point.