I Lied

So I said I was going to wait on getting an iPad. Well…I waited 48 hours, and that was only because Best Buy was closed on Easter. Seeing all the cool reviews made it too hard to resist. I have been wanting an ebook reader since the Kindle came out, but the Kindle is only a one-trick-pony. With the iPad I get an ebook reader plus much more.

It’s a great bedroom and couch computer. I can surf the web, read my RSS feeds, play games, or even watch streaming Netflix movies. It’s much easier to use than my laptops in those situations.

I haven’t spend a lot of time reading on it yet. I will be taking it to work tonight and see how my eyes handle reading on it. I am pretty sure it wont be a problem. The screen is beautiful and my eye don’t ever really get sore reading anything else.

Some people are saying their iPad is taking the place of their laptops. I don’t see that for me. It might get me off my computer a little more, but it’s not replacing my laptop at all.

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