Blogging Platforms
I started blogging in late 2000 when I first got broadband internet. Sometimes I wish I knew the exact date, or even had some of my old archives, but I didn’t bother taking that stuff with my when I switched to different platforms over the years.
It’s kind of amazing looking at all the different platforms out there now. When I started blogging there was basically Blogger, or you ran blogging software on your own server. I started with blogger, but it was a little limiting back then, and it didn’t even allow commenting. Now with Twitter and Facebook is seems like people are blogging less and less, and probably commenting less too. I rarely ever comment on blogs, and really couldn’t care less if I had commenting on my blog now.
Blogger has greatly improved since last time I used it, and there are many other blogging options now. If I was to start blogging right now services like Posterous, Tumblr, or Squarespace would be very tempting.
Posterous has been trying to get people to switch to them these past couple weeks. I really like Posterous, but I just use it to easily post things here. It has made it much easier for me to quickly share stuff on my blog that I otherwise wouldn’t bother to spend the time. That’s really the reason I blog anyway. I don’t consider myself the best writer, or even like writing all that much, but I love sharing cool things I find in the interwebs.
I’m not going to switch blogging services though. As tempting as it may be, I like the greater control I have running my own server.