Christmas in a hospital
So last weekend my Mother-in-Law had a heart attack. The Wife headed down to our hometown as soon as she heard the news. I have been home alone holding down the fort by myself, taking care of the pets.
It was scary at first, and still is. She is going to need either bypass surgery, or a transplant since she also has a heart valve problem. The bad part is they don’t have heath insurance. I was kind of surprised when I heard they didn’t, because my Father-in-Law always preaches that it doesn’t matter how much you make, you need a job that offers health insurance. I guess he new job doesn’t. My in-laws are great people, but money is something they don’t have. They live in a 30-year-old trailer house, and don’t have much for material possessions. Sometimes I admire their lack of wanting many material possessions.
For a while there it was a little shaky on how her surgery was going to get done, and paid for. Because of her valve problem surgery can’t be done at the St. Cloud hospital. Their doctor wanted it to be done at the Mayo, but without insurance couldn’t get them into the Mayo. Luckily enough he pulled some strings and got her into the University of Minnesota Medical Center. They also were informed that there are many programs, and charities that will cover most of their medical expenses. We are so grateful on how great the St. Cloud hospital is. I have heard how great they are from other people, now we know it’s true. I may have to find out what charities are covering the expenses, and send them some money every Christmas.
Yesterday she was life flighted to the U of M Hospital, and they have been doing more and more tests. I haven’t heard yet what kind of surgery she is having yet, but it sounds like Christmas will be spent at the hospital. It will be a tough Christmas, but this is what Christmas is all about. Spending time with family no matter where they are at.