iPhone vs. Android
The iPhone announcement was over a week ago, and I haven’t blogged about it yet. How many other countries got the iPhone before North Dakota? It’s nice that it’s finally an option. I would probably be more excited if it had happened a few years ago. Now there are some very good Android phones that would be good choices too.
My contract is up in March, and I have been debating over Android vs. iPhone for the past week. I have pretty much settled on the iPhone now though. I live in the Apple universe. I already have tons of apps, and don’t hate iTunes. I don’t understand all the iTunes haters, but maybe the Windows version is different.
Many people hate the iPhone for not having a physical keyboard, but my Blackberry has one and I hate it. I can type much faster on my iPod Touch. So that is another thing. I know I would like the iPhone keyboard, not as sure about the Android. Some people want removable storage on there phone so they can add more storage and have their entire much library with them. I don’t really care much about having music on my phone. That’s what my iPod Classic is for. It’s 120 GBs is actually enough to hold it all. Maybe my mind will change when I get a decent phone, but for now 16 GB is probably plenty and I would have no need for removable memory.
Now the problem is do I just get an iPhone 4 in March, or wait until the iPhone 5 comes out later this summer — assuming Verizon is going to get the iPhone 5 this summer. I’m not really a fan of waiting because you could wait forever. No matter what, there is always something bigger and better right around the corner. Honestly I don’t really see any big changes coming to the iPhone 5. What else could they really add? The only thing I can think of is 4G, but that’s not coming to Fargo anytime soon — Verizon says by 2013. I am sure something will come out, but all the iOS updates should all work on the iPhone 4 too.
I’m sure waiting is probably the right thing to do. I’ve waited four years for this phone, what’s a couple more months. I probably wont wait though. I suffered with a Blackberry the last two years, I’m sure I won’t be suffering as much with an iPhone 4. We will just have to wait and see what the iPhone 5 rumors are during the next two months.