I finally got an iPhone in my hands
I FINALLY got an iPhone. It’s been a long four years, but I finally got one. I have probably complained far too much online about not being able to get one. With the lack of At&t service it just wasn’t available. I was all set to get an Android based phone, which are also pretty good, until Verizon got iPhones last month. Thankfully our contract was up this month, so I only had to wait a month.
It almost wasn’t going to happen yesterday. During our checkout at the Verizon store their system went down. We did some more shopping in the mall, ate dinner, came back and it was still down. We sadly went home iPhoneless. When we got home, I basically sat on Twitter until I heard when their system came back up. Thankfully it came up around 8:15, so we had 45 minutes to get back to the store before they closed. So last night was spent syncing and getting it all set up.
I’m a little bummed that I’m not going to get any experience playing around with Android, but I know the iPhone is the phone for me. I have an investment in apps, and pretty much live in iTunes. iTunes on OS X works great and isn’t the piece of crap that the windows version is.
I love that I finally have a phone with no carrier branding, or apps on it. Unlike Android phone, I will get the newest iOS updates when they come out. I will always be able to be on the latest OS until my phone is not powerful enough to run it, and then it will be time for a new phone anyway. Since it’s probably the most popular phone, I also have a huge selection of accessories along with the biggest app store. The down side is the app store isn’t as open, but I can always jailbreak, and probably will eventually.