Worst. Morning. Ever.

I had the worst morning ever Friday that put me in a crabby mood that I am just getting over.  I am on the night shift now, so all this happened when I was tired after a 12 hour overnight shift at work and ready for bed.

When I cam home right away I noticed that the dog had gotten into the garbage downstairs, and there was garbage all over the downstairs.  While I was cleaning it up, one of the cats threw up upstairs.  While I was cleaning that up, our other cat threw up.  I don’t know what’s with our cats, but they sure puke a lot.

So after I cleaned up after our pets I was ready for bed.  The Wife always shuts the lights off at the lamp instead of the switch — which bugs the hell out of me — so I have to walk through the dark room to find the lamp.  For some reason last night she put the hamper in the middle of the floor.  I tripped over that damn thing, and smashed into the wall.  My shoulder and knee still hurt a little from it.  Then, as I was laying on the floor, I reached for the lamp, and lo and behold, she had a glass of water right there and I spilt it all over the floor and myself.

I don’t know what else could have gone wrong Friday morning, and really my whole Friday sucked.  I’m sure hoping the weekend is better.

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