I don’t get sick often, so I can be a baby about it right?

I finally have a day off, and I am sick.  I probably caught something from all the people I was around last week.  I had three long days at a conference for work.  The crappy part is they are only paying me for 16 hours, since that was the amount of time spent in classes.  I totally understand that, but I had to take 20 hours off work to go.  They should have at least paid me that.  I probably spent 28 hours doing conference stuff, and then worked my usual 36 hour weekend, and had to use 4 hours vacation.

Today is a well needed day off, lots to catch up on, and I feel like crap.  I rarely get sick, but I think I found out why.  I work with very few people, and am never really around people very often.  So actually I may be more susceptible since I don’t get exposed to as often.  Just two weeks until I get my flu shot though.  Hopefully that keeps me free from the flu all winter, because I don’t even have the flu and this sucks.

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