I’m no longer a “double-spacer”

I am kind of a grammar Nazi. Other people’s grammar errors drive me crazy, but I am sure I am guilty of many grammatical errors myself. I was never a fan of English class in school, and always struggled in English and writing classes. I envy people that like to write. I want to like writing, and I do now more they I ever have before, but it’s always been a struggle to get words from my head, to the paper — or computer screen.

One thing that I didn’t even know was a thing is the double spaces after a sentence controversy. It came up twice lately in a few blogs that I read. I now realize how pointless it is, and it is a little distracting. I leaned to type on typewriters in typing class. There we were taught to double space after ever sentence, so I just did it out of habit. I never really noticed if stuff I was reading was double-spaced or not.

Now that I know it’s a thing, I noticed that most things online aren’t double-spaced, and now the double spacing kind of annoys me. I am doing my best to train my thumb to only hit the space bar once now after a sentence. I added a plugin to WordPress that should correct any errors like the one after this sentence. If it worked there should only be once space there. I’m still on the lookout for a way to fix all my past posts. From now on I am no longer a “double-spacer”.

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