Monday through Friday jobs suck; Goodbye Digg
I don’t know why people like Monday through Friday jobs so much. I worked my rare Monday through Friday this week and it sucked. I would take my nights and weekends over Monday through Friday any day. My normal shifts are 12 hours, and usually only two or three days in a row at most. Working five days in a row is a killer. Sure they were only eight hour days, but still five days in a row sucks, and now I only have a two day weekend. Normally my weekends off are always three day weekends.
I feel like I had no time for podcast listening, RSS reading, or Twitter all week. Thankfully I’m back to my normal schedule next week.
In other news, I logged into Digg for the first time in years, and dugg my last article. It was fun while it lasted, but like everything, it has an ending.