My take on the Aurora tragedy
I’ve been reading Twitter all day, but couldn’t come up with words that haven’t already been said about today’s tragedy. I use to live in Aurora. Now that city will forever be attached to this horrible event just like Littleton is.
What drives me nuts about these events is how different groups are quick to blame, or use the tragedy to force their agenda. People will blame video games, movies, TV, or even Marilyn Manson. The right blames gun control and believe this wouldn’t happen if everybody was carrying a gun. The left thinks we need more gun control to keeps the guns off the streets.
I’m not a gun guy, but I think our gun laws are probably just fine. With the exception to assault rifles that is. Is there a logical reason to own an assault rifle? Stricter gun laws would only punish the 99.9% of the responsible gun owners. The criminals will always find their way to get guns. We shouldn’t let dumbasses limit the rights of honest Americans.
In reality we will probably never know what causes these tragedies, but one thing we could try is not making these guys famous. The cable news networks are always looking for big stories, so when something like this happens they sensationalize the shit out of them, turning the shooter into a celebrity. This can’t be good, and a simple change in reporting could prevent future shootings without taking away any innocent person’s rights.
The sad reality is that this is the cost of freedom. As long as we have our freedoms, things like this are going to happen. To put it into perspective, there are probably 100s of people killed in car accidents daily, and who know how many horrific events that happen in other countries that don’t make our news.
Also, did you notice that the terrorism word hasn’t come up? Probably because it was a white guy, but that’s another story.