Google Adsense Optimization
I have been playing around with Google Adsense for the past few days. I just started using Adsense ads, so I am by no means an expert, but there are a few things that I think can optimize clicks.
First, put the ads in your content. I know my eyes ignore ads in headers and sidebars. I am sure others do too.
Second, make the ads blend into your page. Make the link color the same color as your link color and make the backgrounds the same color too.
Third, use the box format rather than the banner. My eyes are also trained to skip over banners too. I am sure mine aren’t the only ones.
Fourth, ads can look like more content. If your ads are blended into your site, and Google is showing relevant ads, the ads can actually be helpful for your readers.
Those are a few things that I think will increase your clicks. I am still trying to make my ads more relevant though. Google has some tips to make your ads more relevant. I just implemented them. We will see how they work.