I Don’t Get Social Networks
I have yet to understand social networks. I was on MySpace very briefly just to check it out. I didn’t get the point, and the sites were fugly as hell. None of my offline friends were on it, and if I wanted to keep up on my online friends they all have blog anyways. MySpace is good for one thing. It is good for Bands. I am subscribed to many many MySpace blog feeds from bands I like. I get updates on what they are up too, and I can check out new songs as they put them on MySpace.
Today I gave Facebook a second look, and I still don’t get it. Facebook just seems like an unfugly MySpace. I couldn’t find any of my offline friends on it, and why do I need a site to collect my online friends on?
Twitter on the other had I got right away. It is a simple way to find out what people are up too. I keep Twitterrific running all the time and enjoy everybody’s updates.
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I don’t care for Facebook but I have an account there that I check periodically. You know I love me some myspace though
You disappoint me. Off with your head.