10 Commandments Monument Debate

Here in Fargo we have a 10 commandments monument in front of our city hall. For the past three years there has been a big debate about it. The other day our city commissioners voted to have it moved to private land. I thought that was a great idea. All the monument supporters are all up in arms now. They are all wondering what is so offensive about the monument. They don’t really get it. It’s not that the monument is offensive, it’s that it is just inappropriate. It doesn’t belong on public property. I am not a fan of religion, but what other people do and believe is none of my business. Having the 10 commandments monument on public property to me is kind of disgraceful. I always try to be respectful to the people around me. Having a monument on public property where people walk past and then realize their beliefs aren’t the same as the majority isn’t right. I am an Atheist and from time to time I have to go to church for family events. I try to be as respectful of others beliefs as I would hope they would be of mine. I don’t wear a hat in church. I stand when they tell me to stand. I sit when they tell me to sit, and I pretend to pray when they pray. I think moving the monument to private property would be the respectful thing to do.

There was a big debate about this at work today. Everybody thinks it is stupid to move it. I just bit my lip and didn’t say anything. I hate being the only person on one side of an argument. I guess I don’t understand how people can’t see the issue from both sides. It’s not that I am against religion. Although I think an Atheist monument would be cool, I would be against one on public property also. It’s just not the right place.

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