New House!
I have been quiet on my blog about it, but I have been tweeting it. We bought a house yesterday. Today they accepted our offer, so we are planning on moving on July 25th. Hopefully everything works out this time. Our new house is pretty similar to the one be bought last July and had to back out of because the people buying our current house backed out. It’s a three bedroom, two bath, 3 level. It has central air which our other house didn’t. I have been living in central air for the past five years. I am glad I don’t have to give that up. I will be glad when everything is all done though. It’s going to be a pretty hectic month.
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Congratulations! Happy packing.
Congrats on the house. I’m so jealous. I soooo wanna get out of apartment living. A friend of mine bought a townhouse last summer and made me jealous. Now you go and buy a house. It’s so not fair. 🙁 :p
Sweet! Congrats man!