The Action Design

One of my newest favorite bands is The Action Design. Emily from The Action Design was Agent M in Tsunami Bomb. Tsunami Bomb was one of my favorite bands also. In fact I am wearing my Tsunami Bomb t-shirt right now.

I saw Tsunami Bomb play in the basement of our VFW. It was by far the smallest crowed for I concert that I have been too. There were maybe 100 people there. It was awesome. Emily was even watching the opening bands from the back of the crowed. I drove by the VFW a few hours before the show, and saw Emily unloading their fan. I was so tempted to stop and help her. She also hung out with some of the fans after the show. I was too much of a chicken shit to go up and talk to her though.

I was a little sad when Tsunami Bomb broke up, but I think I like The Action Design even better. I ordered their first EP that was hand made and individual numbered. I got number 46 of 1000. They have since re-released their EP with a couple more songs. I of course bought that too. It’s on Amazon in plastic and downloadable form. Here is an interview with Emily that I ran across. She is so cute. How can you not love her band.

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