Who blogs anyway?
So for the last couple of months I’ve seriously thought about shutting my blog down. Who still blogs nowadays anyway? Does anybody still read blogs?
Then I though, fuck it. Why quit? I’ve never really blogged for my readers. Hell, I don’t even know if I even have readers. I’ve never really cared about that shit. Popularity has never meant anything to me. I blog because I like to share. So instead of shutting this blog down, I’m going to start doing more of it. I’m going to start sharing more interesting things I find on the interwebs, and maybe more of my life.
I’m still subscribed to hundreds of blogs in my feed reader, but sadly most of them are dead. Many of the bloggers felt like friends to me I’ve been reading them for so long. A few I’ve managed to find on Twitter, but most I will never hear from again. I’m not going to go out like that. I’ve been blogging more or less for 14 years, and I’m going to keep going. Maybe someday I’ll hang it up, but until then my blog will continue to evolve into whatever the hell I want it to be.