I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it on here before or not, but my Mother-in-law has been living with us since August. She’s finally found a place to live and will be moving out May 1st. I can’t wait.

It hasn’t been that bad having her stay here, but she’s driving us a little crazy. My main complaint it the added clutter. I can’t stand clutter. I might have a mild case of OCD. Everything has its place, and if it’s not there it drives me crazy. I can’t even make coffee in the morning without first doing the dishes and wiping down everything in the kitchen.

My Mother-in-law has basically taken over the kitchen table. It’s piled full of crap and driving my crazy. Also she buys way too much junk food that doesn’t fit in out cupboards, so it’s piled up on our counter.

I also need to clean the house at least once a week. Yes, I’m the housecleaner in the household. The dirtiness must just get to me before others. It’s usually no problem. I usually clean the house during the day when my wife it at work, or on the weekend before she gets up. I don’t know why it is, I just don’t feel comfortable cleaning with other people around.

I also don’t like picking up after people. I clean up after myself, I don’t understand why everybody else doesn’t. Both my Wife and Mother-in-law leave stuff laying around all the time. They never put there shoes or coats alway. I kind of feel like an asshole complaining about these petty things, but they drive me so crazy. I can’t explain it. 

I don’t think I have serious OCD, and I probably don’t even have OCD. I mostly just have OCD tendencies. I can usually manage it quite well, but this past weekend my OCD really got to me. It was the first time that it’s really affected my like that. I had an anxiety attack I think. I’ve never really had anxiety before, but I just couldn’t get out of bed on Saturday, and when I did, I went to work early just to get out of the house.

Thankfully my Mother-in-law is gone today, so I was able to get the house cleaned. I’m sure it’ll be a mess again by the weekend, but at least it’s how I want it now.

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