I lied to get confirmed
I lied to get confirmed. I was lucky and we moved right before I was suspose to be confirmed. I told the pastor of our new church that I already completed all my requirements at my old church. I didn’t, but he didn’t need to know that. So all he made me do was write some bullshit paper. I was so thankful that I didn’t have to go to some bullshit bible camp.
Growing up I hated going to church, Sunday school, and youth group events. My Mom pretty much forced me to go. I didn’t fight too hard though. I don’t know what my Mom would have done if she knew I didn’t believe. That was the one plus after she passed away. I would never have to explain my Atheism to her. I’m sure she would flip her lid and never understand.
Growing up I was an Athiest long before I even knew what it was. I don’t ever remember believing in a god. I thought a god was just as far fetched as a Santa Claus. I’m sure when I was really young I believed in both, but I have no memories from those times. It was never about being rebellious, or wanting to insult believers. Bible stories just sounded like fairytales to me. The more bible stories I heard along with learning more science, the more I knew I was right. Growing up I didn’t know any Athiests, hell, I didn’t even know what that word ment. Now, thanks to the Internet, I know tons. In the circles I follow online, Athiests are the norm. I no longer feel like an oddball.
So I lied to get confirmed easier. It was all just to please my Mom anyway. It ment nothing to me.