• Do I Talk Funny

    So we just watched an episode of Dirty Jobs and they were in Waubun, MN at a leech farm. Waubun is about an hour from here. I actually have family that live in Waubun. The whole time we were watching it we were laughing at how the Minnesotans talked. I have lived in Minnesota since I was six. The past ten years I have been in North Dakota, but I am right on the border, so it is still basically Minnesota. Do we really talk that funny, and why do I notice it on TV and not in real life? Weird.

  • My Take on the Election

    I have been sick the past few days, but I am feeling better today, so it’s my turn to express my feeling on the past election. To start off remember, I don’t consider myself a Democrat or Republican. In fact I voted some some of each in the past election. I vote for who I think is the bet person for the job. Rarely to I ever agree with everything a person stands for.

    I think Obama getting elected was a great thing. Not because I totally agree with him, because I don’t, but because I think it’s time for a change of power. Nothing against McCain. I think he would have done a decent job too, even though I have a lot if disagreements with him. I think the Republican Party was doomed from the beginning. Too many people were unhappy with Bush. My crazy theory of the Palin selection was that the Republicans knew they were doomed and none of them wanted to hurt their political career by being the VP in a losing battle.

    I am almost certain that we will have a Republican president in eight years, or maybe even four depending on how successful Obama is. I remember four years ago when all the pundits were saying the Democratic Party was a mess and they needed to find who their leaders were. Well, I think the Republican Party is in that situation now. They will regroup and be back.

    I am sick of all the Republican that think it’s the end of the world now, and how rolling back a tax cut for the rich when our country has a massive debt is socialist. I think Obama’s Tax cuts for the working class could help out to economy some. They are the people that will be spending the extra money anyway. That whole “spread the wealth” thing is a joke. I don’t even get it. Are the Republican against the tax cut for 95% of america? If so, then I get the “spread the wealth”, if they think the tax increase for the rich is going to the “bums” then they are wrong.

    Another thing that drives me nuts are the people that thing Obama is a terrorist because he has met will Bill Ayers a couple time. Sure Bill Ayers has a checkered past, but that was 40 years ago. Are you the same person you were 40 years ago? People change. Ayers is currently a professor at the University of Illinois. He worked with Obama on education reform in Illinois. Who really cares if he was a rebel when he was in is 20s. Weren’t we all to some extent?

     And to the Christians out there that think Obama is a threat to you religion, get real. How is a Christian President a threat? If you are that unsure of your religion, then it seems the problem is you. Just because he wants to unite everyone, and become everyones President, not just the Christian’s President, doesn’t hurt your religion. This is not a Christian Nation. This Nation was formed on the freedom of religion. You have the right to pray to God, Allah, Buddha, The Flying Spaghetti Monster, or like a lot of us no one, and Obama understands that, and that is a good thing.

    In the end all both McCain and Obama want is what’s best for our country. They have different ideas, but in reality, they probably have more similarities. If you don’t like was Obama does the next your years, you can show it with your vote. That’s what makes this country so great, and in the end, we are all Americans.

  • New Cat

    Ok, no election talk here today. There is plenty of that elsewhere on the net.

    Over the weekend the wife brought home another animal.

    She doesn’t really have a name yet. The wife has had a different name for her everyday now. I am not really ready to have another cat, but she let me get one of these.

    Yes, I got an iPod Touch. Since we can’t get iPhones in North Dakota, it’s the next best thing. It’s pretty cool and worth living with another cat I guess.

  • MTV Music

    Yesterday I read about MTV’s launch of a new site MTVMusic.com. I didn’t think much of it. Whenever I want to watch a music video, I can usually find it on YouTube. Today I was bored enough to check it out. It was actually pretty cool to see a bunch of old videos. I wasted way too much time there. They didn’t have a lot of the videos I was looking for yet, but they did have quite a few. It will be my new first stop for music videos. It’s like MTV of the old when they played videos, but this time it’s only the videos you want to see. Cool stuff.

  • Our Denver Cat

    It was a week ago today that we took our cat Denver to the vet to be cremated. Last week was one of the hardest weeks for me ever. Who would have thought it would hurt that much to lose a pet. Maybe it was because it was the first one that I have ever lost, or that he was still young, or that he died right next to us just minutes after we fell asleep, but it was hard.

    We got the call that his ashes were ready to picked up on Friday. That actually made me feel better. Just knowing that he is in his final resting place really helped me. Every living being on earth spends way more time dead they they did alive. Denver just got there a few years earlier than expected.

    We got Denver back in 2000 when my wife’s brother found him abandoned down by the river. Our theory was that someone had a bunch of cats that they wanted to get rid of, so they just dumped them in the river. He was so little. His eyes were barely open. We had to bottle feed him for a week. He was lucky to survive that, so really, he lived eight years longer than expected.

    He would grow up to become a big fat cat. We did all we could to get him to lose weight, but he was just lazy. He was easily my cat. He wouldn’t hardly let anyone else pet or pick him up, but he would come to me when I call for him. He slept and stayed hidden most of the day, but he knew when feeding time was. I usually feed our pets around the same times everyday, and Denver would never let me forget. He would always come out and find some way to get my attention and let me know it’s feeding time.

    I will always miss him, but I no longer feel sad. Now when I think if him, it brings a smile to my face just knowing what a great cat he was, and how many good times we had together.

  • Voting Absentee

    I work until 10:00 PM on election night, and will be unable to make it to the polls. I, unlike most people, can’t get off work to vote. For this reason I will be voting absentee this year. This is the first time I have had to vote absentee. I think I might like it better. Today we got our ballots in the mail. I now can take my own sweet time to fill it out and mail in back. My only complaint is that I have to pay for postage. I don’t remember the last time I had any stamps. Hell, I don’t even know what the price of a stamp is now days. The envelope also says extra postage is required, but doesn’t say how much, so I guess I will just throw two stamps on the envelope. Not like it’s much, but something kinda bugs me about having to pay to vote. Maybe most people have stamps laying around and it’s not big deal. Not me, I never mail anything.

  • Death Sucks

    Growing up we had different pets from time to time, but we always seemed to get rid of them before they died. This is the first pet that I have ever had die. I can’t believe how hard it is. Part of what makes it so hard is that he wasn’t sick at all, and he was so young. He was only eight. We had him to the vet this spring and they said he was totally healthy except for some tartar on his teeth. He was totally himself on Saturday, a little sick on Sunday, and then dead by Monday. I guess that’s the best way to go.

    I have lost a few family members, and while those sucked, it wasn’t nearly as hard as this. When my Grandma and Grandpa died, I was bummed for a couple of days, but then you would go home and things would be back to normal. It’s so hard without Denver around here. I can’t do anything with thinking of him. It’s hard to eat without him begging for food. It’s hard to leave the house without him sitting at the stairs and watching you leave. It’s hard to come home and not see him running toward the door, but the hardest thing to do is feed our other cat and dog and not put any food in Denver’s dish. It brings me to tears every time I have to feed our other animals.

    I know I will get over it soon, but it’s really tough now.

    I miss you so much Denver boy!!!

  • RIP Denver Boy

    It was a rough night last night. One of our cats was sick. They get sick from time to time. Usually we give it a little time, and if they don’t get better we take them to the vet. Denver was fine on Saturday, and was just laying around a little more than usual, and not eating on Sunday.

    We went to bed around 10:30 and took him with us. Hey laid in bed with us and was dead by midnight. He was only eight, but he was a fat lazy cat. He was my cat. I was the only one that he would allow to pick up and cuddle with. I miss him dearly. I might blog more about him later when the tears have faded a little more.

  • Faux News

    Here is an example of why I don’t and wont ever watch Fox News. They are totally one sided, and interrupt anybody with different ideas. I hate most of these stupid talking head shows, but this is the reason you won’t find Fox News on my satellite box guide.

  • My Election Pet Peeves

    Driving home from work I really noticed a lot of political yard signs. I don’t get the point of them. Do some people not know who is running? Are people going to base their vote on who their neighbors vote for? For me seeing all the McCain yard signs reminds be to get out and vote for Obama.

    Today I also read that a bunch of people are having their Obama signs stolen, or destroyed. Are Republicans really that offend by the other side? Really?

    I can’t wait for the election to be over. Not because I am sick of all the commercials, because I never watch live TV, but because I am sick of all the misinformation being spread.

    Both parties are guilty of it. Factcheck.org is your friend use it. Do your own research, and make sure you are using reputable sites. Both parties spread a ton of misinformation on their commercials, and during the debate. Vote for who you think the right candidate is based on the facts, not the spin.

    My Mom is a diehard Republican, and she sends me tons of emails of false information that she truly believes because she read it on the internet, or got it in an email. The latest email she sent me said that three former Fannie Mae executives are “economic advisers” to Obama. That is totally false.

    Another thing that bugs me is people that vote based on one issue. Look at the bigger picture people! Don’t vote for McCain just because you are anti-choice. Vote for the person that you agree with on most issues. There are many things that I don’t agree with Obama on, but the majority I do, so he is my guy.

    Another thing that drives me crazy is all the bashing of the candidate. Sure Palin is easy to pick on. The light heated stuff they do SNL or this song, are pretty funny, but this is uncalled for and not cool. Also, calling Obama a terrorist because of his name or skin color is totally uncalled for.

    Both Obama and McCain are great American, and are both trying to do what they think is best for our country. Sure, they may differ on a lot of issues, but in the end, they both what’s best for our country, and both deserve lost of respect.

    Go Obama!!!