Growing up I was a huge Beastie Boys fan. In fact Licensed to Ill was the first album I bought with my own money. Over the weekend I wrote a long post about the Beastie Boys and Adam Yauch, but I couldn’t get the words our how I wanted them, so I scrapped it. This is a nice little video with MCA’s opening lines from every Beastie Boys song. It sucks seeing part of my childhood die, especially since Adam was so young.

    via Xeni at Boingboing

  • Nirvana’s first performance of “Smells Like Teen Spirit”

    I ran across this video the other day. It claims to be Nirvana’s first ever performance of “Smells Like Teen Spirit”, and I believe it. Kurt would often make up the lyrics has he went along, and this version obviously has different lyrics. It kills me that I never got the chance to see Nirvana live.

  • Motion City Soundtrack released True Romance

    My favorite band, Motion City Soundtrack, released their new single “True Romance” today. Go buy it where you normally buy your digitally encoded musical files. It’s awesome if I do say so myself.

    Their new album titled Go, comes out June 12th! I can’t wait. Hopefully I can catch them on tour for my 7th or 8th, I lost count, time this summer. Best. Band. Ever.

  • American Idiot Musical

    American IdiotSo when we were in the cities we went the the American Idiot musical. I thought it was amazing and a must see for any Green Day fan, but I see how it could get mixed reviews. If you’re offended by loud rock music, F bombs, or guys and girls in their underwear, it’s probably not for you. If you’re a Green Day fan you will love it. I found it amazing how they could tell the story with very few lines. It was mostly the American Idiot album start to finish, but not hard at all to follow the story. I never really took the time to closely listen to and understand the album, so now the album has a totally different meaning to me.

  • Great “Heart Shaped Box” cover

    I’m a sucker for a good Nirvana cover, and this one by a Boston band called Nemes is pretty damn good. It was so good that I bought their album that they are selling on their Bandcamp site for only $1. Seriously? They should charge more than that.

  • JoCo crazy


    I got my autographed Jonathan Coulton cd today. I don’t know what I’m going to do with it. I already have the digital downloads, so I don’t even have to rip it. I guess it’s just proof that I buy things I don’t need just to support artists I like.