• Goodbye Google Reader

    So Google has announced that they are shutting down Google Reader in July. We will see if that really happens after the huge backlash of complaints. I love Google Reader and live in it all day long, either in my browser, or via an app on my mobile devices. It’s a service that I would totally pay for. That being said, Google’s monopoly on feed readers has really caused Google Reader to be quite stagnate. I don’t remember the last useful feature added to Reader.

    Maybe it’s true that less and less people are using RSS, but I still think lots of people are still using it. Some people are replacing feed readers with Twitter and Flipboard. While I love Twitter and Flipboard, I don’t think they could ever replace my feed reader. I’m too OCD and worried about missing something. I never miss anything with feed readers.

    If Google does shut down reader I will be lost for a while, but I’m sure a good replacement will surface. Someone just needs to write a nice online feed reader that’s clean, has plenty of sharing options, and syncs with current iOS app and I’m sold.

    I’ve been reading my RSS feeds long before Google Reader, and will continue long after. RSS is not dead. I remember when I first started reading RSS feeds. I started reading them on a desktop app. I don’t even remember which one it was, but I went through a couple different ones. I was actually reluctant to switch to an online reader at first. I didn’t want to be dependent on a website. Now I couldn’t imagine not using an online feed reader. I learned to love NewsGator. Then eventually switched to Bloglines, and then to Google Reader. What’s next?

    While I’m bummed to see Google Reader go, but I’m excited to see what the future of RSS readers has in store. Is there even a current competitor to Google Reader? If so let me know. I’m sure the code monkeys are already at work to have many competitor before July.

  • Happy 61st Douglas Adams

    Happy Birthday Douglas Adams

    I love today’s Google Doodle. It’s a tribute to the late great Douglas Adams. He would have been 61 today. If you missed it, here is a video of the doodle.

    You probably have to be a Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy fan to understand it.

    I have Douglas Adams to thank for turning me into a reader. High school made me hate reading. I did read some great books in high school, To Kill a Mockingbird, In Cold Blood,Lord of the Flies—to name a few. For me reading because I had to ruined the experience. After high school in 1993, I didn’t pick up a book until 1998. That was when I picked up The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy after hearing so many referenced to it. I’ve been ready 20-25 books a year ever since.

    Thank you Douglas Adams.