The Trajectory of Dreams by Nicole Wolverton
So one of my blog friends, Nicole Wolverton, had her first book released today. It’s titled The Trajectory of Dreams, and can be picked up wherever you usually buy books. I obviously haven’t read it yet, but She is a great writer, so I’m sure her book is great. I’ve been looking forward to it for a while and am bumping it to the top of my “to read” queue.
Solving a Rubik’s Cube While Juggling
Because, you know, the Rubik’s Cube is just too easy to just solve.
via Laughingsquid
Minnesota full of Muslims?
So my Mom has a job opportunity in Salt Lake City, and her biggest worry is the Mormons. I’m kind of dumb when it comes to religion. Aren’t Mormons Christians too? My Mom also said, “well at least it’s not full of Muslims like Minnesota is”. What? I have no idea what she is talking about. According to recent polls 3% of the population subscribe to a non-Christian religion which includes Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Not quite full of Muslims. And even so, who cares?
Maybe it’s just because I don’t have a religion, but I don’t understand why different people of faith despise each other. Most of the time they believe in the same god anyway. They just have different customs and rituals to show their faith. From what I know most religions have more similarities than differences. I really should educate myself about the different world religions, but it’s usually such a boring read. Anybody know of a good book about worlds religions that isn’t boring as hell?
Maybe my Mom’s irrational fear of Minnesota becoming “full of Muslims” is because Minnesota elected the first Muslim to Congress, Keith Ellison. I think that is great. Our country is full of all types, so we should also be represented by all types.
Keith Ellison is making the news today for going off on Sean Hannity.
I found it entertaining, but I wish he would have just refused to go on the show. He called Hannity, “the worst excuse for a journalist”. Hannity really isn’t a journalist though. He is just a Fox News talking head paid to spread the Fox agenda, and should be ignored.
Chelyabinsk Meteor Shockwave Compilation
It’s amazing what the shockwave from a large rock traveling faster than a bullet can do.
A belated happy birthday to Kurt
So I was going to post about Kurt Cobain’s birthday a couple days ago on the 20th, but life got in the way. Kurt would have been 46. I always wonder what if. Three studio albums just wasn’t enough.
Nirvana’s Unplugged performance solidified them as my all time favorite band. The screamy songs that many people say they couldn’t understand the words of, are amazing stripped down. It just sucks that Nirvana was over just five short months after this performance.
Best. Harlem. Shake. Ever.
Explaining the Process of How the Pope is Elected
XKCD nailed it today
via xkcd
BREAKING: Huge Meteor Explodes Over Russia
How ’bout some Candy Hearts for Valentine’s Day
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Candy Hearts, Bad Idea, Music, More Music VideosOne of my current favorite bands.