The History of Video Games by Jonathan Mann
This video is full of awesome, and brings back so many memories of my childhood. It is song #709 in Jonathan Mann’s “Song A Day” series.
Jimmy Eat World: “Coffee & Cigarettes” (Live on Conan)
via punknews.orgI’ve been a big fan of Jimmy Eat World since the mid 90s, but I didn’t care much for their last two albums. I haven’t checked out their newest one, but I might have to. I kind of dig the song they played on Conan the other night.
This is why I love math
via leo.tumblr.comI just wish I hadn’t forgotten more than I know.
Metrodome roof collapse
via youtube.comEverybody else is posting the video of the Metrodome roof collapsing, so I might as well too. It’s a pretty amazing video. I remember them having problems with too much snow on the dome back in the 80s, but I don’t think it was ever this bad. We will see if they can get it fix by next Monday night.
Six-year-old self
I was thinking the other day how little my interests have changed from my six-year-old self. I loved science, astronomy, and magic. I still remember my magic set, and all the tricks I knew and showed off to my family. I remember wishing there were more shows like Mr. Wizard World and 3-2-1 Contact on TV. I loved those shows, but they never seemed to be on enough. One summer my Mom bought me a Peanuts science book set. I think there were 20 or 25 volumes, each on a different science topic. That summer I read them all, and learned a lot of science from Snoopy and Charlie Brown. To this day I remember facts from those books. You know how the first bright star of the night is usually a planet, and probably Venus? Yeah, Charlie Brown taught me that when I was 6. My Mom still has those books. I need to get those from her. If we ever have kids, I would love for them to read them.
I also always remember being a critical thinker as a kid. I don’t ever remember believing in Santa Claus. I probably did when I was real little, but when I got a little older I just played along with it. Just the logistics of going to every house seemed impossible to me. Yet alone a fat man fitting down a chimney and having elves build brand named products. But the clincher was using the same wrapping paper as my parents, and using my Mom’s handwriting. I just played along though because I wanted the presents.
I applied the same thinking about Santa Claus to God. My Mom brought me to church every Sunday, but I don’t ever remember believing in God. I pretty much thought it was a grown ups Santa Claus, and wondered if these otherwise smart people really believed in God. Once again I just played along. This time not for presents, but just to please my Mom. I kept going to church every Sunday even though I hated it. I even bullshitted my way through and got confirmed. To this day my parents don’t know of my true religious beliefs.
I have been a skeptic long before I knew what a skeptic was, or new about the community. When I first listened to the Skepticality podcast. I feel in love with it. Finally I met people of similar interests. I started listening to as many skeptic and science podcasts as I could find. No longer was science programing hard to find like it was when I was six. There are more science blogs and podcasts than any person could ever consume.
I was also surprised how much my love of magic had to do with skepticism. Many magicians are skeptics going all the way back to Houdini, who set out to expose all the frauds purporting supernatural phenomena. Nowadays James Randi, and Penn & Teller are following in the footsteps of Houdini. Many other magicians are skeptics too. I don’t know if David Copperfield is though, but seeing his show, and actually getting on stage with him a few years back was a dream come true. When it come to magic shows, I am still a six-year-old at heart, and never miss the opportunity to see a magic show.
As I get older it still amazes me how much I remember being six, and how little I have changed. I am still critically thinking, still reading about science, and still love learning new magic tricks.
Rudolph Fail
via youtube.comAs a former band geek I kind of feel sorry for the marching band behind Rudolph.
Spelling Matters
I am sure everybody has received that email that says spelling really doesn’t matter, as long and the first and last letter of each word is right. Then it has a paragraph that you can totally read, but a lot of the words are misspelled. I have always believed that it was true, but is it? The video above explains the truth.
Shop Vac by Jonathan Coulton
This is such an awesome video for one of my favorite Jonathan Coulton songs. Great job Jarrett Heather.
Fuck You If You Don’t Like Christmas
White Wine in the Sun
So last December I posted a video and link to buy Tim Minchin’s amazing Christmas song “White Wine in the Sun”. Once again all money made from the song from November 21st to January 1st is going to charity.
This year in Australia, the amazing Kate Miller-Heidke covered the song for a Christmas CD for charity. Christian groups were outraged that the song was on the CD, despite the fact that proceeds go to a Christian charity. I think it’s a great song that shows Christmas is about more than religion. It’s about spending time with family whatever your religions beliefs are.
I saw Kate Miller-Heidke in concert last year and she has an amazing voice. Here is her version of the song:
And if you want to hear the song performed by Tim Minchin, here is that version: