links for 2010-03-11
links for 2010-03-08
Nacho Cheese Flavored Lip Balm
I’m always looking for new flavors of chap stick. I’m not sure how good nacho cheese sounds, but for only $2.95 from Archie McPee, it might be worth a try.
links for 2010-03-05
links for 2010-03-03
links for 2010-03-02
Yogurt vs. Gasoline
OK Go “This Too Shall Pass”
via youtube.comI’m not a fan of OK Go’s music, but they do make some pretty damn good videos. Their newest video is a big Rube Goldberg machine. Some of it looks like it’s faked, but it’s still a pretty good video.
links for 2010-03-01
Chatroulette Game
There has been quite a few videos popping up of people doing different things on Chatroulette. This person created a little game to see who would turn their head.