links for 2010-01-12
My Roku
I really love my Roku. I am getting a lot more out of my Netflix account now. The downside is the Netflix streaming content is a little thin. There are not many movies that I wold want to see on it, but is does have a good selection of documentaries and TV shows, especially Discovery Channel content. I love documentaries and they were the vast majority of DVDs I was getting anyway.
For some strange reason I never caught Everest: Beyond the Limit on The Discovery Channel. If you haven’t seen it, do. That show is amazing. It’s crazy what people put themselves through just to climb a mountain. I watched the first season in two days, and am now into the second season. The Roku is a great way to watch TV shows. No more waiting a week for the next episode. After they hype what’s coming next week, you can just click and watch it.
links for 2010-01-11
My Favorite Bands
I have been on this planet for the better part of three decades now. Each decade, the 80s, 90s, and 00s, my musical tastes have changed a bit. I have one favorite band from each decade that sticks out far above the other bands I liked.
In the 80s it was Bon Jovi. I don’t know any of their new stuff, but Slippery When Wet is still one of my all time favorite albums. That tape was pretty much glued into my tape player through my middle school years. This March I will finally get to see them in concert. They played Fargo a year ago, but I didn’t want to spend the money. This time I thought what the hell, plus Dashboard Confessional is opening up for them. I love Dashboard, and they were amazing when I saw them a few years back. So after 24 years, I will finally see “Livin’ On A Prayer” live.
In the 90s it was Nirvana. I was obsessed with Nirvana in the 90s. They opened my eyes up to so much good music that never got radio play. To this day I don’t listen to much music that’s on the radio. Sadly I never got the chance to see Nirvana live.
In the 00s it was Motion City Soundtrack. They are by far my current favorite band. I have seen them 6 times and am always looking to see them again. They are playing in Minneapolis on the 23rd of January. I was going to pass on this one because traveling to the cities in the winter kinda sucks. Well, it turns out I will be in the cities that day anyway now. Sadly it looks like it’s sold out. I hope I can find tickets somewhere.
Their fourth album, and first on a major label is coming out next Tuesday, the 19th. I have already pre-ordered it on iTunes. Today they released their first video. You can watch it below. I can’t wait for the album, and hope I can find tickets.
links for 2010-01-09
links for 2010-01-08
Super Mario Jesus
via skepchick.org -
links for 2010-01-06
New Passwords for the New Year
I’m not big on New Year’s Resolutions. I think if you want to change something, just do it because you want to do it and whenever you want to do it. Who cares what the calendar says.
This year my goal is to change all my online passwords to something different, and impossible to guess. My current passwords are probably better than most people’s, but they aren’t perfect. I have three levels of passwords. I have really strong ones for banking stuff, somewhat strong one for other online stuff, and a crappy one for sites I don’t care about.
The problem with hard to guess passwords for every site is remembering them. You pretty much need a password manager. I have looked at a few in the past, but they weren’t good enough for me. I use many computers with many different browsers on a daily basis, and from time to time am on a family member’s computer. I needed a way to access my passwords anywhere, and I don’t want to have to bring a thumb drive with me everywhere I go (even though I pretty much do).
My solution? LastPass.com. LastPass stores your passwords in the cloud. They have extensions for pretty much every browser. You just have to sign up for an account, and install the extension. From there whenever you enter a password it saves it to your LastPass vault. Next time you go to the site it will auto fill your password. You just have to log into LastPass from the extension, and you can have all your passwords auto fill. I have it set to log off of LastPass when I close my browser to keep it more secure.
The cool part is if you are on someone else’s computer you just have to log into LastPass.com to get your passwords. You can even export your passwords. Just incase something happens to LastPass, I exported my passwords to a csv file and then uploaded then to Google Docs, and my Dropbox account.
LastPass is free unless you want mobile access. If you want to use it on your phone it’s only $1 a month. I’m not using it on my BlackBerry yet, but might soon. Who knew managing your passwords could be so much fun.
links for 2010-01-05