Fireworks, Stop-Motion Animation
Posted via web from Tinkr Lnks
Hardee’s New Ad: Our Food Tastes Better Than Someone’s Anus!
via consumerist.comPosted via web from Tinkr Lnks
Moving Link Blog
For quite a while I have had this blog, and a link blog. I am basically addicted to the internet. I like to share cool things I find. I was using Tumblr for my link blog. It would automatically post things that I share on different services. It was so easy that I have been tempted to move my whole blog over there or to Posterous, another nice site. I just don’t feel comfortable switching to someone else’s system though, plus I love WordPress so much. So I found a better way to combine my blog with my link blog. I have moved my link blog to Posterous. Posterous has a nice feature that will post my posts over there onto my blog. If it all works out, my links will get posted to my blog also. So instead of getting a couple posts a week from me, you will be getting a couple a day. Hope you like the changes, and if not I don’t care. It’s MY blog. haha.
New Shirt
Every day I check out shirt.woot.com and see what their shirt of the day is. Last week they had a cool one, so I bought it.
It’s a spaceman holding a flag up on the Sun.For some reason I felt like reading the tag. In small words on the tag is says, “Not to be used as pants.”. I love when companies do funny shit like that.
Canadian Health Care Myths
I think it’s quite obvious that the US needs some major health care reform. Many countries much poorer than ours do much better jobs at taking care of their people. You always here the horror stories of how bad the health care systems are in the UK and Canada. I have always questioned those stories. I have talked with Canadians, and none of them have any complaints about their health care. They actually think our health care is crazy. I just ran across this article debunking Canadian health care myths. I love articles debunking myths. I am sometimes over obsessed at finding the real truths. It’s always hard to tell who you should believe, but a little critical thinking goes a long way.
Space Station Tour
How awesome would it be to be in space? I’m not sure how much I would enjoy the takeoffs and landings, but being on the space station would be frickin’ cool.
Cost of Living
I am always curious what the cost of living is like in other cities. The cost of living is relativity low in Fargo, so the pay in Fargo also tends to be lower than in other cities. CNNMoney has a nice little calculator to compare the cost of living in different cities. It’s fun to see what a comparable salary would be in other cities. Our housing costs here are relativity cheap. I searched a few cities and couldn’t find one with higher housing costs. Utilities on the other hand seem higher here than most places. Probably due to our awesome winters. (Link via Lifehacker)
The Baloney Detection Kit
I am a big Michael Shermer fan and have read many of his books. This video is a nice little introduction to skepticism, something I have been passionate about for some time now.
This Week’s Tinkr Lnks
- It’s something called the Internet (video)
- How To Do Squats With Your Dog (video)
- Super Mario Bros. Meets Play Him Off, Keyboard Cat (video)
- Porn (comic)
- Super Mario Theremin control (video)
- What Does your Tattoo Location Say About You?
- ‘Less Plastic’ Label On Mega-Plasticked Thumb Drives Makes Us Wonder What ‘More Plastic’ Looks Like
- Adam Savage of Mythbusters Talks About Colossal Failures at Maker Faire 2009 (video)
- Wizard Time (comic)
Conan’s joke about North Dakota
I thought this was pretty funny.