My Election Pet Peeves
Driving home from work I really noticed a lot of political yard signs. I don’t get the point of them. Do some people not know who is running? Are people going to base their vote on who their neighbors vote for? For me seeing all the McCain yard signs reminds be to get out and vote for Obama.
Today I also read that a bunch of people are having their Obama signs stolen, or destroyed. Are Republicans really that offend by the other side? Really?
I can’t wait for the election to be over. Not because I am sick of all the commercials, because I never watch live TV, but because I am sick of all the misinformation being spread.
Both parties are guilty of it. Factcheck.org is your friend use it. Do your own research, and make sure you are using reputable sites. Both parties spread a ton of misinformation on their commercials, and during the debate. Vote for who you think the right candidate is based on the facts, not the spin.
My Mom is a diehard Republican, and she sends me tons of emails of false information that she truly believes because she read it on the internet, or got it in an email. The latest email she sent me said that three former Fannie Mae executives are “economic advisers” to Obama. That is totally false.
Another thing that bugs me is people that vote based on one issue. Look at the bigger picture people! Don’t vote for McCain just because you are anti-choice. Vote for the person that you agree with on most issues. There are many things that I don’t agree with Obama on, but the majority I do, so he is my guy.
Another thing that drives me crazy is all the bashing of the candidate. Sure Palin is easy to pick on. The light heated stuff they do SNL or this song, are pretty funny, but this is uncalled for and not cool. Also, calling Obama a terrorist because of his name or skin color is totally uncalled for.
Both Obama and McCain are great American, and are both trying to do what they think is best for our country. Sure, they may differ on a lot of issues, but in the end, they both what’s best for our country, and both deserve lost of respect.
Go Obama!!!
New Motion City Soundtrack Video
A new Motion City Soundtrack video came out today. It is for the acoustic version of “Fell In Love Without You”. It’s pretty cool seeing Minnesota license plates on the cars. I am guessing the video was shot by a lake somewhere in Minnesota.
"Fell In Love Without You" video
I can never get enough of this band. I have seen them six times, and can’t wait to see them again. Last time we saw them we got to meet the lead singer Justin, and I took a picture of him with my wife, remember? I sure do.
Weird Al’s Newest Song
So if you haven’t heard, Weird Al is going to be releasing his songs online now as he completes them instead of saving them up for an album. Here is his newest song. Supposedly it’s a parody, but I have never heard the original.
Is the original a popular song? I have no idea. I am a big music fan, but I have no idea with what is going on with mainstream music. In fact I don’t think I have ever heard the original from Weird Al’s last hit “White & Nerdy”, which I think is a much better song than this one. Here it is if you don’t remember.
Tweet From Your Dashboard
It’s been months since I have actually “used” twitter. I take that back, I read my tweets on my phone through Twitter, but that is all. I use Ping.fm to do my posting to Twitter, and use FriendFeed to read all my Tweets on my computer.
For the longest time I have been using a Ping.fm gadget on my Google homepage to do my posting. I always have a browser open, and my homepage is just a few click away.
Well, yesterday I was getting sick of those “few clicks”, and made it even easier to post to Twitter.
This trick can only me done on a Mac. I am using the Web Clip feature of Safari. It’s simple, just click on the Web Clip button and select the portion of the Ping.fm site that you need to make your posts, click add, and bingo, you have a Dashboard Widget for Tweeting, or posting to whatever social network you want to post to.
I seldom use the Dashboard in OS X, and always forget about the Web Clip feature. Now all I have to do to tweet is hit F7 and start typing away.
TiVo Update
So a couple weeks ago our TiVo failed. It was a DirecTV TiVo that they no longer make. The wife HATES the DirecTV DVR that we have downstairs, so another DirecTV TiVo was the only way to go. Since it was cheaper to buy one used rather than trying to fix out old one, that’s what I did. I ordered the HD one so we could get HD channels on our upstairs TV too.
So earlier this week we got it, and I got it hooked up, but guess what? No HD! The DirecTV TiVo only supports the old HD channels. The ones in the 70s range. So we get five HD channels upstairs. Not very cool since we get almost every major network in HD downstairs.
The wife doesn’t care though. She would rather watch standard Def than deal with the crappy DirecTV DVR. She already said we are getting two of the new DirecTV Tivos when they come out next summer. We both can’t wait.
Crazy CD Prices
So I finally got out and picked up the new Jack’s Mannequin CD today. I swear the record companies are pushing everybody to piracy, or at least online downloads. $18 for a CD is crazy. If it wouldn’t have been Jack’s Mannequin I would have gotten it online instead.
Some bands I just have to have the CD, others I download from Amazon, and if it’s a band that I don’t know much about, but want to hear them, I will torrent it. Then if I like it I buy it, and if not, I don’t listen to it. Most of what I listen to isn’t mainstream, so I support them as much as possible, but the price of CDs is sure getting outrageous.
Gopher Game
My wife got free tickets to the Gopher game this Saturday. She doesn’t want to go, so I am taking my Brother. He lives in the Cities, so we will be hanging with him this weekend. I have never been to a college football game before. It’s actually been years since I even watched one on TV. It should be fun just hanging out with my Brother and his Wife for the weekend anyway. It’s probably the last weekend of the year away without having to worry about road conditions. Should be fun.
Oh Canada
I work with a foreigner. Yes, a co-worker of mine is from Canada. Today at lunch we were talking about the things that Canada has different names for. I already knew those crazy Canadians call macaroni and cheese “Kraft Dinner”, but that also have a different name for Bloody Marries and Bulldogs. I already forgot what she called them though. She aslo said they don’t use cream up there. She said they use skim milk in Bulldog instead. I have only had a Bulldog a couple of times, but I would thing skim milk instead of cream wouldn’t be nearly as good, eh?
Tumbledown “Lonesome”
I have yet another new music video to share with you. This time it’s the only “Country” band that I like, if you can call it country. They do, but I’m not so sure about that. It’s Tumbledown, the country side project of Mike Herrera from MXPX.
Adoption Update
I have been kinda bummed out lately. We had to take this Talor-Johnson test for part of our adoption process. We didn’t think much of it. The wife and I both get along great. We know we will be great parents.
last Thursday we got to see the results. I thought it was kind of a joke. There was a little sine wave on the chart of where we should be, and both the wife and I were totally opposite of it. WTF? Now we have to put the whole thing on hold for six months and see a marriage counselor. WTF? I don’t see how or what that stupid test sees. I don’t even know what we are suppose to talk about with a counselor. We don’t have any problems, or I guess we don’t have any problems that we know about. That test much be super awesome and finds our future problems. Whatever.
It almost makes me want to say fuck it and forget about the whole adoption thing. The process is a pain in the ass. Tons of pointless hoops to jump through. it’s no wonder more people don’t adopt more often.