• Motion City Anniversary

    089.jpgSo yesterday was our eighth wedding anniversary. We were married in 2000, so it’s easy to figure out. Our favorite band so happened to play in town yesterday also. It was our sixth or seventh (I kinda lost count) time seeing Motion City Soundtrack. This was the first time that they were actually headlining. We got right up front. The wife hates crowds, so the front is the best place. She doesn’t have to see all the people that way. We both had a great time. She was snapping pictures like crazy. She took around 90 or so, but most of them are the usual low light lots of blur pictures, but she did get a handful of good ones. After the concert we were picking up our t-shirts and Justin Pierre, lead singer of Motion City Soundtrack just happened to be hanging out there. The wife got his autograph and I took a picture of her with him. It was a pretty memorable anniversary, and I can’t wait to see Motion City again. I just can’t get enough of them.

  • Hammock

    hammock.jpgFor most of the summer we have been looking for some kind of lawn chairs for the yard. We have a table and chairs on the deck, but nothing in the yard. Two weekends ago we decided to get a hammock. Since we have only one tree in our yard we needed a stand for the hammock. We looked all over town and couldn’t find one, so I ordered one online. It came this weekend, so we also bought a hammock for it this weekend. Who knew a hammock would cost so much. It was close to $200 for everything. It’s supper comfy though. I am looking forward to actually having time to lay in it.

  • Blocked Porn

    So I was looking at my browser history and I noticed my Brother-in-law was browsing porn last night. He was only on one site, so I blocked it. It’s not that I am against porn, I just don’t like the thought of him spanking it in my computer chair. He never use to use my computer, but now that the wife has her laptop we took down her desktop. Her computer was the one his usually used. I am pretty anal when it comes to my computers. I don’t like other people messing with them. He sure as hell better not get my computer infected with any spyware. He is supposedly moving out August 1st. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

  • Day Off

    Today I finally get a day off of work. I work 12 hour shifts at work, so usually three days is the most I ever work in a row. Because of people taking vacations, I ended up working five days in a row. Pretty much all I have been doing it working and sleeping. I am looking forward to the check next friday though, 20 hours of overtime will be a nice little chunk of change. Now time to get caught up on my RSS reading and podcast listening.

  • Moved from Twitter to FriendFeed

    Some social networks I get, others I don’t. I never could understand MySpace or Facebook. Twitter on the other hand, I fell in love with it right away, and it sucks when it, or some of it’s features goes down. FriendFeed was a service that I understood, but it always seemed to cluttery and noisy for me. This past weekend I just got fed up with all of Twitters problems and I decided to take the plunge to FriendFeed full time. I am really starting to like FriendFeed, and the cool thing is that it actually works.

    A few weeks ago Dave Slusher blogged about his process of moving from Twitter to FriendFeed. I pretty much followed his plan. I used Kreg Steppe’s PHP script to help find my Twitter friends on FriendFeed, and then I just made imaginary friends for my Twitter friends that weren’t on FriendFeed. Then I signed up for a TwitterFeed account, and am using it to send my FriendFeed updates back to twitter. It took a while to get all my friends over, but I am really loving FriendFeed now.

  • Fireworks Illegal to Possess?

    I grew up in Minnesota where fireworks were illegal, so I have never really been into, or cared much about fireworks. The ones you can buy are usually lame and expensive, so I have never bought any. In North Dakota Fireworks are legal and have just recently started going up for sale. I just read this:

    FARGO – Police here have issued a reminder to residents that it is illegal to possess, sell or use fireworks within the city limits.

    WTF? So if I was to buy some fireworks to shoot off out in the country on the 4th I couldn’t bring them home? Where would I put them? I totally see not being able to sell or shoot off fireworks in town, but it’s illegal to just possess them in town too? I see how they would be illegal to possess them in Minnesota, but not in North Dakota where they are legal. So if you buy fireworks, make sure you don’t drive through town with them. I hate stupid laws that make no sense and can’t be enforced.

  • Bodies

    On Saturday we went to see the Bodies Human exhibit down in South Dakota. It’s probably the smallest of the three exhibits of this type, Body Worlds, and Bodies… The Exhibition being the two larger ones, but it was still pretty cool. Some of the exhibits were really creepy. There was one body that was cut into one inch cross sections, and there was a head that was cut that way too. It was creepy seeing just a sliver of a head with a face on it.

    I had mixed feelings while I was walking through it. It was cool seeing the bodies, but it also felt kinda disrespectful for the bodies. There is also a lot of controversy about where the bodies came from. There was no mention of where the bodies came from, but they were all asian. The bodies are all prepared in china, and they aren’t good about keeping records, so nobody really knows where the bodies comes from. Some people accuse these companies of using homeless people, mentally ill individuals, and executed prisoners, but I don’t think anybody knows for sure where the bodies come from.

  • OJ and Dead People

    I hate it when I have tons of stuff to blog about and no time to blog. Then when I find time to blog, like now, I got nothing.

    One thing that I was going to blog about was OJ coming to town. A co-worker of mine was actually at the bar that OJ was at. I guess he was in town to visit his girlfriend’s family, who live in the area. It was the big news on Wednesday. They talked about it all day on the radio, and it sorta made national news. I didn’t really see what the big deal was, but whatever.

    Today we are heading down to South Dakota to check out Bodies Human tomorrow. It’s going to be a little creepy to see real live dead people, but I think it will be pretty cool.

  • Here Be Dragons

    One thing that drives me crazy is all the misinformation that is spread. So many people believe things that aren’t true just because they are told it’s true. It’s not that these people are dumb, it’s just that they haven’t learned how to think critically about things.

    Brian Dunning, host of Skeptiod, a ten minute weekly podcast, has created a must see video. It is titled Here Be Dragons, and it is a nice introduction to critical thinking. You can watch it below, or go to herebedragonsmovie.com to view it at a higher quality.

  • Edit Your Pictures Online with Picnik

    snapshot.png.jpgThere are so many new and cool webapps that is hard to actually find a use for them. I have played around a little bit with Adobe’s Photoshop Express. It’s pretty cool and amazing what you can do on the web these days. Yesterday I use Picnik for the first time. Picnik is another online photo editor. I like it better than Photoshop Express. I have a Picnik extension added to FireFox, so I can just right click on an image and send it to Picnik. I used it for the image in my post yesterday about Netflix. I found an image, resized it, and added a drop shadow in a matter of seconds. It really makes it easy to add images to blog posts. I don’t add images very often. In the past it’s been kind of a pain downloading the image, edited it, and then uploading it. Picnik makes it kinda fun. You just edit the picture on the web, then I downloaded and dropped it into MarsEdit. Easy peasy.