• Short Marriage

    It still seems weird when people that have gotten married after us get divorced. To me I still feel like a newlywed, but I guess after eight years that title no longer really applies. Where have the last eight years went?

    Yesterday we heard that the Wife’s cousin is getting divorced. They just got married last summer. They wanted to save money on pictures, so they had me take their wedding pictures. Everybody thought they turned out great, I thought they were only so-so, but then I am probably my biggest critic. Maybe it was a good thing that they didn’t want to spend much money on wedding pictures now.

    I didn’t care much for the guy she married, so I am not really surprised that they are getting divorced. He was lazy and irresponsible. He was always going from shitty job to shitty job not making much money, but still making sure he went on all his hunting and fishing trips and spent all his money on his toys. My Wife’s cousin is going to school and working two jobs to try and cover the bills.

    There is no way I would make my Wife work two jobs and go to school. Paying bills and providing for my Wife is number one, even if I have to get three jobs. My toys come last. Maybe that’s why I am still married.

  • Brother-in-law Rant

    So my Brother-in-law is still living with us. I am pretty sick of him living here. The wife told him he has to move out by August 1st. We will see what happens. My guess is he will quit his job and not be able to move out because he has no money. He actually got a full time job about a week ago. It’s a little nicer around here with him gone all day, and now he goes to bed at night instead of making a bunch of noise and keeping everybody up watching movies and playing XBox.

    One thing I have really noticed with him living here is I have really bad OCD. I can’t stand it when things aren’t put away when done with. He leaves dishes all over, never puts XBox game and gamepads away, and the phones… they are never put back on the charger, or even kept on the same level of the house. It drives me crazy! We have a phone in the kitchen, a phone upstairs, and a phone downstairs for a reason. Half the time he leave all three of them sitting on the same end table. How hard is it to put the phone away when you are done. he also talks on the phone all the time. He pretty must uses up all are Vonage minutes every month. It’s a good thing that it’s only 4 cents a minute to go over, so he hasn’t racked up much of a bill.

    We told him he could live here for a while as long as he did a few things, paid us rent, and keep his bathroom clean. Well, he hasn’t paid us rent since January, and he has never cleaned his bathroom. The wife has cleaned it a few time, but I refuse to clean it. It is pretty nasty.

    Another thing that bugs me is his smoking. He doesn’t smoke in the house, which is a good thing, but his room still reeks of smoke just by having his clothes it, and our yard is full of cigarette butts. The wife told him to clean them up last week, but talking to him is like talking to a wall. I am sure I will end up cleaning them up one of these days.

    The thing that drives me crazy the most is his bill paying. He pretty much has one bill. His truck payment. That bill comes directly out of his parents bank account, so he has to send a check to his parents every month. So every month he hands a bunch of cash to my wife and tells her to write a check and mail it and it has to get there today. WTF? He has a checking account. I don’t know why he can’t write a check and mail it a few days before it’s due. One of my biggest pet peeves has to be people being irresponsible.

  • Twitter Updates off Main Page

    So I was getting a little sick of all the “Twitter Update” posts clogging up my blog. They are still coming in, but they will no longer be on the front page. Thanks to Becky for pointing me in the right direction. It was simple. I just had to put this code into my home.php file:

    You just have to change the number to whatever category you want skipping the main page. Now if you care about my Twitter updates you can check them out over there —->, and if you don’t care you won’t see them.

  • New Theme

    So you can see I have a new blog theme. I haven’t used FriendFeed much yet, but I thought I would add the FriendFeed widget to show all the stuff I am up to. In creating my links I thought it was crazy all the online networks that I have signed up for. Most of them I try out and then never go back, but some I use all the time. One reason I sign up for things it is reserve my name. Mace always seems to get taken if I don’t hope on it. I also love playing with new stuff. I play with way more stuff than I could possible use, but I have fun with it. Now I gotta go play with BrightKite to see if I am going to ever use it.

  • First of May

    So when I hear that it’s the first of May the first thing that comes to mind in the Jonathan Coulton song. I wish I lived closer to Minneapolis. He is performing at the Varsity Theater tonight. How cool would it be to hear JoCo sing “First of May” on the first of May?

    If you have no idea what song I am talking about check it out here. Just so you know, it’s a little NSFW.

    He is giving it away on his site, so I am sure it’s fine if I gave it away. If you like it check out his other stuff. I bought it all, and it’s good stuff.

  • Motion City Soundtrack Acoustic EP

    motion-city-soundtrack.pngSo if you are regular reader of my blog you know who the best fucking band in the world is right? Well, next Tuesday they are releasing a little 5 song acoustic EP on iTunes. I don’t know if it’s only going to be on iTunes or if it’s going to contain DRM or not, but I will be getting it. You can check out one of the songs over at Spin.com. Next month I will be seeing them for the sixth time. I can’t wait.

  • Money

    Thanks to Salena I now know when to expect my “economic stimulus” check from the government. I will be getting a paper check around June 20th. It doesn’t really matter to me when I get it. The money is going right into our savings account. We are trying to build it up again after the house purchase put a big dip in it last summer. I love having a big chunk of money in my savings account. I just feel more comfortable knowing that I have enough money in savings that I could miss several months of work and not have to worry. Currently we could probably go three months without any income. I would like to at least double that this year.

  • Next Step

    So it’s been a busy week. It’s been reasonable nice out so I have been busy doing outside house stuff. We got an estimate on a fence. Sometime in May we should be getting our backyard fenced in. It will be nice to be able to let the dog and not have to keep an eye on her.

    We also had another thing going on this week. We had a two day adoption workshop. I tend not to blog too much about my personal life. I might start opening up a little more. We have been trying to have kids for some time now. The doctors can’t find a problem, it just isn’t happening. We have been talking about adopting for a while. In January we went in to start things rolling. It’s a long process to adopt a child. At first I wasn’t sure if I was up for it. I have always admired people who adopt, but I never thought I could be one of them. After attending this workshop I can see myself doing it.

    We learned a lot about how adoptions work this week. There are a lot of misconceptions about adoption. In the past it was kind of kept a secret from the child. Then when the child learns that they were adopted it’s been hard for them to find their birth parents. Now days adoptions are more open. The birth parents actually chose who they want adopting their child. There are varying degrees of openness depending on the comfort level of the families, but the child grows up knowing who their birth parents are. Sometimes the birth parents get to see their child a couple times a year. Sometimes it’s just pictures and letters, but it’s all to benefit the child. Everything is geared toward the child.

    Adoption is a great thing. I am actually kind of excited about it now. The next step is a bunch of paperwork. I am not to excited about that.

  • =w=

    So I have been sick the last couple days, and really haven’t been in the mood to blog, but I had to blog about this. Weezer has leaked the first song off of their new album which is coming out June 24th. It will be Weezer’s third self titles album. This one will be known as “The Red Album”.

    You can hear their first single titled “Pork and Beans” here.

    I so can’t wait for this album. Weezer is one of my all time favorite band, and I have seen them in concert five times.