No Work Week
It’s kind of nice that I don’t have to work this week, but the sucky part is that I have to go to Bismarck for three days for continuing education classes. It’s something I have to do every three years. It’s not fun. It’s pretty boring, but what do you do?
I wont be able to keep up with twitter because cell phones have to be turned off in the classes, but I am hoping the hotel has good internet service. You never know in North Dakota.
So if my blog goes quiet, or the comics stop coming, you know it because the lack of the internets.
So today was the second day of spring right?
That is a pictures I took out the window at work. Our snow was almost gone, and we got at least six more inches today. It’s some wet and heavy stuff too. It was probably the hardest shoveling snow of the season.
Oh well, it is spring right? It should be melting soon.
Bad Concert Experience
So I went to the Boys Like Girls concert in town last night. It was at The Venue, which use to be a cool place to see concerts. My wife was kind of sick, so she didn’t feel like dealing with the crowd on the floor, so we went up to the balcony. We have been up on the balcony in the past and you can get a pretty good view up there. Well, no more. They use to have just a little VIP section up on the balcony with nice plush booths for people to sit in. I have no problem if people want to pay extra to sit there, but now basically the whole front section of the balcony is VIP. Pretty much every place where you can see the stage is VIP now. So we were stuck behind the people that were in the plush booths standing up so we couldn’t see, while the whole side section of that balcony that doesn’t have the plush booth and didn’t use to be VIP sat pretty much empty. So we were standing where we couldn’t see shit staring at a spot in the balcony where 20 or 30 people could stand and actually see.
The whole place is a mess now. When we were entering the place they only had one door open. The one where you had to cut through the line of people buying tickets just to enter the place.
Leaving the place was also a mess. There were cops all over the place making sure the kids didn’t do anything wrong, but yet people parked all over hell and were blocking all but one was out of the parking lot.
The Venue use to be my favorite place in town to see a concert, but now I don’t think I would go back. The new management really fucked the place up.
Boys Like Girls
The music that I like isn’t always the most popular. Rarely do band I like get any radio play. Boys Like Girls is a band that I have liked for years. They are starting to get quite a bit of radio play around here. Today they are playing in Fargo for the second time. This will be my third time seeing them and they still only have one album that came out two years ago. It’s a great album though. My favorite song on the album is Thunder. You can listen to it here.
Testies 1.2.3?
I finally got around to finding a WordPress plugin to make it easier to blog from my phone. This is the first blog post from my phone.
Happy Pi Day
So you know that I have been having fun making comics with bitstrips.com. Well, I got a new site just for my comics. You can find all my comics at lolmace.com. Daily updates would be cool, but I doubt I will be that prolific. New comics will be out when they come out.
I am having lots of fun playing around with Bitstrips.com. Maybe someday I will learn to write something funny, but for now it’s just what it is. I am not a very creative person. I love playing around with the tools and technology that creative people use, but I struggle being actually creative. I am thinking about starting a new blog for my comics. I am just struggling for a domain name. I also wonder if it’s something that I will keep up with. I start all kinds of things that I end up getting board with and end up quitting. I guess I will never know if I don’t try. So maybe by this weekend I will have another blog.
Time Management
Spring my be finally on it’s way. Yesterday was the first day of the year that we were able to take the dog for a walk. I think it was 28º when we went for the walk. It felt nice except for the sloppiness. It’s already 32º now, so I think we will have another walk in store for this afternoon. I am really looking forward to seeing grass and getting into the yard. We got all kinds of spring projects planned, but can’t really do much until the snow melts and the yard dries up.