• Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota

    Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota

    I am sure all of you have heard that “Weird Al” song about the the biggest ball of twine in Minnesota. I always knew it existed, but never new exactly where. Well, now I know. It is in Darwin Minnesota. I can’t believe I have never seen it or been there. I use to live pretty close to there. The following map show all the roads that I have traveled on regularly. The arrow is where the ball of twine is at.Maybe next time I am in the area I should visit Darwin, MN.
    Click to see larger.
  • EMI To Sell DRM Free Music

    If I would have heard this yesterday there is no way I would have believed it. it looks like EMI is going to be the first major record label to release their stuff DRM free. That’s awesome. That means I might actually be able to buy stuff on iTunes (I refuse to buy anything with DRM in it). I don’t listen to many major label bands, and I am not sure how many bands EMI has that I like, but hopefully the rest of the labels wake up and realize that DRM is hurting sales.

  • The Post About Nothing

    I hate blog posts that basically say that someone has nothing to blog about, but that’s what this one is. My blog has been kinda slow, but it’s not because I have been busy. Actually I am far from busy. I am totally caught up on all my stuff for the first time in a long time. Google Reader is empty, Tivo is empty, podcasts are all listened to. I haven’t been busy outside either. Even though all our snow is gone, it’s been raining for three straight days. Maybe Twitter is taking away some of my blogging mojo? I don’t know. So….what was this blog post about again? Oh yeah, NOTHING! I am still here, doing the same old boring stuff.

  • Internet Video on the TV

    So I tried streaming Orb to the Xbox 360. It works, but it crashed a lot. Streaming video sucks. It has always sucked. You either get a ton of buffering or you get crap video like YouTube. I think I am going to look into building a PC just for watching videos on the TV. I don’t want a full blown media center PC because they don’t work perfect with DirecTV. My DirecTV Tivo works perfect for TV. I want something similar to the AppleTV, but I want it to support all video file formats. I don’t want to do any streaming. I just want to drop my video files onto it to watch them in the living room.

  • Stream Orb to Xbox 360

    I am always looking for ways to get my internet video content onto my TV. Once I get a new TV I am thinking about either building a Mythbox or Media Center PC. I could also go with a Tivo and an Apple TV. I am not sure which would work best. I am very curious on how Cali Lewis’ Mythbox turns out. I am glad I don’t have to make the decision now. I wont be getting a new TV until we move and get into a bigger house.

    For the time being I am using the Xbox 360 to view my internet videos on the TV. Yesterday I learned that you can stream content from Orb to the Xbox 360. I have used Orb in the past to access my media from any computer on the internet, but now I can use it to play any video on my Xbox. No more have to convert videos to WMV files.

  • Hellogoodbye

    Check it out. Hellogoodbye is coming to Fargo. Most people know them from being in The Real World Austin, but I knew them before that. They released an awesome EP in 2004. That EP generated a lot of hype for their debut album which finally came out last year. They have a really unique sound. I couldn’t tell you who they sound like because they don’t sound like anybody. Boyslikegirls are opening for them. I saw Boyslikegirls in St. Paul last summer. They are another really cool band. Also either The Hush Sound or The Rocket Summer will be there. I have seen The Hush Sound and they are good too. I am kinda hoping The Rocket Summer comes to Fargo since I really like him and have never seen him yet. It’s so nice when good concerts come to Fargo. A five minute drive is much better than a four hour one. Plus, the crowds in Fargo are usually pretty lame so it’s easy to get right up front without getting kicked in the head too much. That’s always a plus.

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  • Twitter Slowdown

    If my blog seems to be loading slow it’s not my fault.  Well, I guess it’s not toatally my fault.  Since I am hooked on Twitter, I have my Twitter status in the sidebar.  At times Twitter gets really slow.  I think they are growing faster than they planned.  When Twitter gets slow my sidebar loads slow.   You can check me out on Twitter here.

  • Skeptoid

    I was all caught up on my podcasts yesterday. It felt strange. I am never caught up. I needed something to listen to at work, so I looked around on iTunes and found Skeptoid. I love podcasts that make you think and learn stuff. I am a very skeptical person. I always want to hear both sides on topics before I decide what I think is true. Skeptoid is a nice short 5 to 8 minute podcast. I downloaded and listened to every episode yesterday. They have many interesting topics. I really enjoyed the episodes about organic foods, SUVs, and cell phones on planes. Good Stuff.

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  • All Green

    Sweet, my Gamer Card is in the holiday spirt. It’s all decked out for St. Patrick’s day. I really need to find more time to play on the Xbox 360. My Gamerscore is pathetic.