• Three Way Tie

    I am a huge Jeopardy fan. I have probably only missed one or two episodes in the last few years. I have seen almost everything. I have seen only one person playing in Final Jeopardy, I have seen many two person ties, I have seen idiots that don’t bet enough in Final Jeopardy and lose their lead despite getting the question right. The only thing I haven’t seen was a three way tie. I guess the reason I have never seen it was because it had never happened, until last night that is. Last night was the first ever three way tie. The reigning champion could have easily bet another dollar to be the only champ, but I think he saw that the other two players each had $8000, so he bet enough to get him to $16000. He was nice and gave them a chance and they both bet it all and it ended up in a three way tie. It was pretty cool.

    Now I think the only thing I haven’t seen is all three players in the red for Final Jeopardy. That would be cool to see also.

  • Online Photo Sites

    I don’t really use any of the online photo services, but my Mom like me to put pictures on Shutterfly so she can see them and buy some if she wants. I have always hated uploading my pictures because it takes so damn long. Well today I finally got around to uploading my pictures from Florida to Shutterfly and it kept crashing my browser. I gave up and tried to do it from ie. I see why it was crashing Firefox now. Shutterfly uses a active x controller to upload images. It sure does make it simpler to upload pictures, but I am sure there is a better way to do it so it works with other browsers and operating systems.

    Anyways, are there any better online photo sites out there? I pretty much use Shutterfly because that’s what my Mom knows.

  • Heros in a Half Shell

    I wasn’t much of an arcade gamer as a kid. Mostly because I always had a game system at home, and the nearest arcade was at the bowling alley way across town and that was a long bike ride. The one arcade game I did play alot was “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”. It came out in 1989, my freshman year of high school. The best thing about the game was you could play with your friends. My buddy was and still is a god at the video games. It was fun playing with him because we could get really far into the game.

    Well, Wednesday my favorite arcade came is coming to the Xbox Live Arcade. I can’t wait to play it again. Back in 1989 the game had incredible graphics. I wonder how bad they are going to look compared to 2007 graphics.

  • Vacation

    We had a good time on vacation despite the lack of wifi. On the way down to Orlando out flight out of Minneapolis was delayed 20 minutes. Not to bad. We had a hour to wait at the airport, but no free wifi in the Minneapolis Airport. They did have wifi, but it was $8 a day, and I didn’t need it that bad since we were there for only an hour and I had podcasts to listen to.

    In St. Louis we were delayed two hours because they didn’t have a pilot for our plane. I guess our pilot was coming from Boston and they were having weather out there. No wifi what so ever in St. Louis. We ate and then just hung out and I listened to more podcasts. We didn’t get to our hotel until almost 1:00 AM. It was no big deal because we had no plans for the first day.

    The hotel was super nice. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms, Jacuzzi tub, full kitchen, it had everything a person would want except wifi. It wasn’t to bad since we were out and about most of the days, but it would have been nice to have some of the Internets at night.

    I am not a huge theme park fan, but my wife likes them. Saturday we went to Sea World, Sunday we spent the day with my family that lives down there, and then Monday we went to MGM Studios. It was a fun time. It wasn’t to warm down there. It was only in the 60ºs, but it felt way better than the 10º we came home to.

    On the way back home I did find some free wifi at the Orlando Airport. Every Airport should have free wifi. We weren’t in the Orlando Airport long enough to do much. I was able to download a couple of podcasts to listen to on the way home and that was about it.

    The trip home was pretty uneventful. Short vacation are nice. I don’t really like being gone that long, but man it did go by very fast.

  • Back

    Well we are back from Orlando.

    I had a great time.

    I am way behind on my RSS feeds.

    I will be back when I get caught up.

  • Shoveling at 3:00 AM

    So guess what I went and did at 3:00 in the morning?

    I went out and shoveled snow.

    We must have gotten at least 6 inches so far. It was still coming down, but the plow just came by and I wanted to say ahead of the game since a lot more snow it on its way. It is actually a pretty nice night out despite the snow. I didn’t need to wear gloves or a jacket.

    Florida is sure going to feel nice on Friday though.

  • Twitter

    I couldn’t resist it any longer. I signed up for Twitter. You can find my Twitter here. Now you can really stalk me if you want. I plan to post all the little crap that I am thinking there.

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  • Tumblr

    Another thing I did over the weekend was play around with Tumblr. Tumblr is another blogging platform. It is more of a link blog thing. It designed for mainly posting links, pictures, and videos. I am debating weather to use it as my link blog or not. Google makes is so easy to add stuff to my link blog, but everything I add has to be from Google Reader. That’s usually not a problem since I live in Google Reader. Almost everything I read is in Google Reader. If you are looking at starting a link blog you might want to look into Tumblr. Leo Laporte and Merlin Mann both have tumblr blogs if you want to check a few out.

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  • Neat Freak

    So it was a boring snowy weekend, but I was very productive. I got 100% caught up on my podcasts for the first time in months, I fixed our running toilet that has been sticking and running for the past couple of weeks, and I bought a labeler and organized the file cabinet. Our file cabinet has been a mess for months and it has been bothering me. I am kind of a neat freak. My desk may look like a mess, but everything is in it’s place. My tools are also all clean and organized, and everything has its drawer. Now that I got a labeler I can start labeling everything and be even more organized. Yeah, I am a freak.