Not Another One
This has been a bad year so far for people dying. I guess it all started with Darrent Williams on New Years Day. Just this week there have been three unexpected deaths in the sports world. First you had Dennis Johnson, then Ladainian Tomlinson’s dad, and now Damien Nash. Nash was the second Bronco to die in three months. Then there is that chick that is all over the news. Who’s next? -
Wil Liked Tsunami Bomb Too
So I just got curious how old Wil Wheaton is. Of course I checked Wikipedia. Check it out, Wil is wearing a Tsunami Bomb t-shirt. I wonder if he has check out The Action Design yet? Anyways, he is 3 years older than me. That’s about what I though.
Technorati Tags: The Action Design, Tsunami Bomb, Wil Wheaton
Waiting for April 17th
I finally got around to doing our taxes tonight. I knew we owed so I haven’t been in to much of a hurry. In the past I have used TaxCut, but this year I got Turbo Tax. I like Turbo Tax way better. I bet it only took me 10 minutes to do both federal and state. Using TaxCut there always seemed to be a few questions that made me go hmmm. Turbo Tax seemed way more user friendly. Turbo Tax even imported data from our last years taxes which we used TaxCut for. Another thing I liked about Turbo Tax was that it gave the option to export as pdf. I now have a copy of our taxes on the NAS in a pdf. I wish I had past years in pdf. More pdfs means less file cabinet clutter. That’s another thing I need to get done this weekend. Our filing cabinet is a mess.
Anyways, we only own $630 combined. That’s not so bad. I got the checks written out and everything, but they wont be dropped in the mail until April. Why send it in early?
Another Reason Why I Hate Cell Phone Companies
So the wife can now save us 17% off our cell phone bill through her job. Great, so we went to the Verizon store. Stood in in line for a half hour, filled out the paper work in 15 minutes.
Then they say, “Oh, you got an old plan. You need to upgrade your plan to save the 17%. The new plan would be $!0 more a month.”
So to save $10 a month I have to pay $10 more a month. Nice. No thanks again Verizon.
I just listened to the latest episode of the Engadget Podcast. It was their 100th episode. They had Lenn Pryor and Phillip Torrone back on. They were the orginal hosts back when the podcast started in October of 2004. That was the same month that I started listening to podcasts. I can’t believe it’s been that long already. I love what Peter and Ryan are doing with the podcast, but I do miss the days of Lenn and PT.
Technorati Tags: Engadget, Lenn Pryor, PT, Phillip Torrone
Total Tinkr
If you haven’t noticed I have a bunch of different RSS feeds in my sidebar. If you are only subscribed to my blog feed you are missing out on a lot of the stuff I am doing online. I am always adding stuff to my link blog, digging stuff, bookmarking things, and occasionally taking pictures.
Last night I finally got a chance to play around with Yahoo Pipes. It looks pretty cool and powerful. I couldn’t think of anything to make with it though, so I just made a “Total Tinkr” RSS feed. you can now subscribe to all my feeds in just one feed.
Technorati Tags: RSS, Yahoo Pipes
Dreaming of CSS
I am one of those people that never remembers their dreams. I don’t remember too much of my dream last night, but I do remember what it was about. CSS. WTF? Who dreams about CSS? I guess I have been spending to much time working on the new design for my Fantasy Football site. I need to find a hobby that produces better dreams. CSS does not make for an exciting dream. If I had better dreams it wouldn’t matter anyways though since I never remember them. I wonder what I will dream about tonight? HTML? PHP? Who knows? I probably won’t remember it anyways.
Vista Time
Ok, I waited long enough. I finally broke down and installed Windows Vista. I didn’t want to install it on my Windows XP machine because I just recently installed XP and I didn’t feel like reinstalling all my windows software. The only other computer that I have that is powerful enough to run Vista is my MacBook. I love the way Boot Camp handles the partitioning and the dual booting. It is so easy to run Windows on Macs now. Windows Vista seems nice. I still prefer OS X, but Vista is a nice upgrade to XP if you have a powerful enough computer.
What’s Cold?
It annoys me when people say it is cold out and it is in the 20ºs. Our cold streak has finally ended (for the year I hope). We just went through 15 days straight where it was barely above zero for the highs and way below zero for the lows. You don’t know what cold is until you feel a -20º day (not counting wind-chill, that is cheating). I was outside earlier today and was surprised how warm 7º feels. it is up to 12º now. If it breaks into the 20ºs I will be tempted to break out the shorts. Florida is going to feel so nice in two weeks.