I don’t care about music awards or the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, but I noticed today that Radiohead just made the Rock and Roll HOF. I’m not a Radiohead fan, but I wonder if I would be if I could’ve found their album way back in 1993. I remember the first time I saw the “Creep” video on MTV’s 120 Minutes. The next day I went to every record store in town, and could not find Pablo Honey. For the next couple weeks I kept my eye out for it, but was never able to find it. By the time they broke out and their albums were everywhere, I was kind of over them and have never purchased an album. It’s crazy to think back to the time when it was hard to find the music I wanted. Now everything is just a few clicks away and I don’t even have to put pants on.
So I made the jump to WordPress 5.0 and am trying out the Gutenberg editor. So far I’m not a fan, but then again I didn’t care for the old editor, so maybe it was time for an upgrade. Gutenberg seems to have a little big of a learning curve though. I was totally lost at first and had to look up how to use it on YouTube. I had the visual editor disabled so nothing was working at first. It took me an hour to figure that out. Now that things seem to be working I’ll try to stick with it. It does seem to be kind of cool.
Does it get better?
This time of year is really hard for me. My mother passed away five years ago on December 20th. That was the hardest Christmas ever, and Christmas has never been the same since. It just sucked opening presents from her without her there, getting packages to her house and trying to guess who’s gifts they were, finding the Christmas turkey in the trunk of her car weeks later. I don’t think Christmas will ever be a happy time for me.
We were in the mall over the weekend and it just being decked out in Christmas is depressing for me. Then they played “Let It Go” by Passenger and I almost lost it. That song was big back in 2013. So many lines of that song rang true the night my Mom passed. We had to drive home in a snow storm. The lines of missing the sun when it starts to snow and hating the road when you’re missing home really sunk in. When we got to the hospital that song was on, and then when we left the hospital, who knows how many hours later, that song was on again.
My Mom was super organized. She had about everything for her funneral planned, even the songs she wanted. We played her songs, but we also adding the Passenger song.
That song also popped up during the Super Bowl a couple months later. My Mom always loved the Budweiser clydesdale horses commercials, and that year that Passenger song was in those Budweiser commercial. It was such a fitting coincidence.
I had a post about the election all written up in my head, but after last night and this morning I need a break from politics. My plan was to rake leaves today, but I woke up to this.
I Voted
Like every election, I did my part to cancel out some crazy Republican’s vote.
So it’s November. Is No Shave November still a thing? I’ve never tried it. I can’t grow a beard for shit. After about two weeks I look like a homeless person and it doesnt get much better after that.
This year I heard of this thing called No Nut November. Yep, you try to go the whole month without orgasming. I don’t get it. I also won’t be participating in this one either, although I have so far, but it’s only the 3rd.
Shiny Shiny
Is it bad that I just put in for vacation for November’s Pokemon Go Community Day? It’s the first community day that I’ve been scheduled to work. I don’t want to miss my chance at getting a shiny Cyndaquil!
My tank is huge, I probably shouldn’t let it get so low.
I’m Back
The other day I ended up down a rabbit hole reading old blogs and tweets on the Wayback Machine. I miss the good ol’ blogging days. Even Twitter was so much better way back then.
So I’m going to try to blogging more. After I brushed off my blog I noticed it got hacked with some spam link injections. I thought it was good with auto updates on, but I guess not. I cleaned house. I removed all the plugins I could. I got a new simple and clean theme. There will be no more auto posts from Twitter or Instagram. My blog will just be me blabbing on. That’s what I miss, so that’s what I’ll do.
Now everything on the internet is so political and everybody is overreacting to everything. Growing up we were taught that it was good to read the news and know what’s going on, but that was before this 24 hour news cycle we got now. Now the news just flows to you. We are all over consuming it. I’m trying to read less of it. It’s ok to not know everything that’s going on. 99% of it probably doesn’t affect you anyway.
So I’m just going to do some frivolous blogging to get my mind off of the horrible things happening in the world. If you want to too that would be great. I’d love to read what you have to say.
Is this thing still on?