Eddie Vedder’s Cover Of Imagine
Why We Won’t Have An Ebola Cure Or Vaccine For Years
Ebola Transmission compared to Enterovirus, Measles, Flu, TB
Made 24 pints of salsa so far
Elon Musk: We Need a Million People to Colonize Mars
Hot Rod Circuit are recording new music
Joyce Meyer Wisdom
RSS Spring Cleaning
I’ve been mostly on Feedly since Google Reader shut down. I tried most of the options out there, but at that time, Feedly was the best. Today I switched to Inoreader. Nothing wrong with Feedly, but Inoreader just seems faster, and I like the cleaner interface, and it has every option I could imagine I would want.
With the switch I figured I should do some house cleaning instead of bringing a bunch of dead feeds with me from site to site. I literally have never cleaned up my RSS feeds. I have well over 1000 feeds in my OPML, some dating back to 2000 that have long been dead. I have just moved my OPML file from site to site. From way before Google Reader even existed to now, way after Google Reader has gone away.
In doing so, I’m really seeing a blast from the past. So many bloggers, people that I read for so long that I felt like I knew them, are just gone. I guess I haven’t really missed them, it’s just a little sad to see either nothing at their domain, or a link farm. Sometimes I miss the good ol’ days when people actually blogged.
And This Is Why Baking Powder Can’t Be Used As Baking Soda
A trillion seconds
And a trillion seconds is 31,689 years.