Take a Look at the First Successfully Transplanted, 3D-Printed Skull
The Wonder Years “Dismantling Summer”
I am bummed that I missed seeing The Wonder Years the last time they came though town. Here is their video for “Dismantling Summer” off their latest album The Greatest Generation.
10 ‘Cosmos’ Facts That Are Out of This World
Liquid Water Discovered on Surface of Minnesota
Hey vaccine deniers–it’s just simple math
Newly Discovered Dwarf Planet Hints at ‘Super Earth’ in Far Reaches of Solar System
Asteroid Found to Have a Ring On It
Talk Nerdy
I’ve been a fan of Cara Santa Maria for quite some time. When I heard that she started a new podcast, I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to listen to it. I don’t really have time in my day for any more podcasts, but after listening to the first episode, I had to subscribe. I got caught up on her past episodes over the weekend and loved them. I will for sure find the time to listen to her podcast every week now. If you’re looking for smart science talk, her show is for you.
The Fascinating Journey of a Blood Donation
Flight 370: Why the search area is one of the most difficult on Earth