Double Stuf Oreos Not All They’re Stuffed Up to Be?
Astronomers discover an Earth-sized planet with an 8.5 hour year
Breaking Bad Fact vs Fiction: Walter White’s Secret Formula
xkcd: Exoplanet Names
The first video ever taken from Mars of one moon eclipsing the other
Why the North Pole Is Really a South Pole (and Vice Versa)
Kansas City Man Commits Suicide, Leaves Behind a Website to Explain His Life & Death
xkcd: Increased Risk
Smokers Stink
Over the weekend we were out of town, but my in-laws stayed at our house. My father-in-law must have driven my truck. Normally I wouldn’t have cared, but he smoked in it. Smoking is so disgusting. I am around it so little now that it really bothers me. I can smell it on my hands now after using my steering wheel. So gross.
I don’t get why someone would pay thousands of dollars a year to smell, not to mention the health affects. I know smokers don’t realize that they smell, but they do. If you smoke, you fucking stink and I don’t want to be around you. And please don’t just throw you cigarette butt anywhere. Seeing nasty cigarette butt everywhere is another pet peeve of mine.
Red, White & Food, A Map of the Biggest Chain Restaurants From Each State