“”Everyone Says It So it Must Be True:” The Pseudoscience Quiz”
Back to the keyboard
Hello blog. It seems like forever since I last posted. I’ve just been enjoying some time away from the keyboard. Enjoying the couple nice days we are having before the mosquitoes take over. Enjoying some good books in my hammock, and got our garden planted. It’s been seven years since we have had a garden. We had one at our old house, but didn’t really have a good spot at this one until I tore out a little rock garden that was looking a little rough. I also built a permanent fence around the garden.
I think it looks much better than a chicken wire fence.
Now we just need some heat so things start to grow.
Allison Weiss’s video for “Making It Up”
I’m a big fan of Allison Weiss. Today she released her video for “Making It Up”. I love it.
Why It’s Hard Out There For A Lefty
As a lefty, I experience these problems all the time. Well, except for the can opener. I don’t seem to have a problem with can openers.
via Buzz Feed
Happy Towel Day!
The First Image Ever of a Hydrogen Atom’s Orbital Structure
Why Portland Is Wrong About Water Fluoridation
The NEW Periodic Table Song
I love AsapScience’s new periodic table song.
Last night was a clear night and I was able to get somewhat decent pictures of Saturn. I’m still learning, so it’s not the best, but it’s still a picture of Saturn that I took from my backyard! The Cassini division is barely visible, but you can see a few moons. I believe the brightest moon in the upper left is Titan.